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Thank you to everyone who has been contributing links to articles & other content in the Comments section of each day's "Conversation." If you're missing the comments, you're missing some vital links.

Public Service Announcement

Washington Post: "Americans can again order free rapid coronavirus tests by mail, the Biden administration announced Thursday. People can request four free at-home tests per household through They will begin shipping Monday. The move comes ahead of an expected winter wave of coronavirus cases. The September revival of the free testing program is in line with the Biden administration’s strategy to respond to the coronavirus as part of a broader public health campaign to protect Americans from respiratory viruses, including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), that surge every fall and winter. But free tests were not mailed during the summer wave, which wastewater surveillance data shows is now receding."

Washington Post: “Comedy news outlet the Onion — reinvigorated by new ownership over this year — is bringing back its once-popular video parodies of cable news. But this time, there’s someone with real news anchor experience in the chair. When the first episodes appear online Monday, former WAMU and MSNBC host Joshua Johnson will be the face of the resurrected 'Onion News Network.' Playing an ONN anchor character named Dwight Richmond, Johnson says he’s bringing a real anchor’s sense of clarity — and self-importance — to the job. 'If ONN is anything, it’s a news organization that is so unaware of its own ridiculousness that it has the confidence of a serial killer,' says Johnson, 44.” ~~~

     ~~~ Marie: I'll be darned if I can figured out how to watch ONN. If anybody knows, do tell. Thanks.

Washington Post: “First came the surprising discovery that Earth’s atmosphere is leaking. But for roughly 60 years, the reason remained a mystery. Since the late 1960s, satellites over the poles detected an extremely fast flow of particles escaping into space — at speeds of 20 kilometers per second. Scientists suspected that gravity and the magnetic field alone could not fully explain the stream. There had to be another source creating this leaky faucet. It turns out the mysterious force is a previously undiscovered global electric field, a recent study found. The field is only about the strength of a watch battery — but it’s enough to thrust lighter ions from our atmosphere into space. It’s also generated unlike other electric fields on Earth. This newly discovered aspect of our planet provides clues about the evolution of our atmosphere, perhaps explaining why Earth is habitable. The electric field is 'an agent of chaos,' said Glyn Collinson, a NASA rocket scientist and lead author of the study. 'It undoes gravity.... Without it, Earth would be very different.'”

The New York Times lists Emmy winners. The AP has an overview story here.

New York Times: “Hvaldimir, a beluga whale who had captured the public’s imagination since 2019 after he was spotted wearing a harness seemingly designed for a camera, was found dead on Saturday in Norway, according to a nonprofit that worked to protect the whale.... [Hvaldimir] was wearing a harness that identified it as “equipment” from St. Petersburg. There also appeared to be a camera mount. Some wondered if the whale was on a Russian reconnaissance mission. Russia has never claimed ownership of the whale. If Hvaldimir was a spy, he was an exceptionally friendly one. The whale showed signs of domestication, and was comfortable around people. He remained in busier waters than are typical for belugas....” ~~~

     ~~~ Marie: Oh, Lord, do not let Bobby Kennedy, Jr., near that carcass. ~~~

     ~~~ AP Update: “There’s no evidence that a well-known beluga whale that lived off Norway’s coast and whose harness ignited speculation it was a Russian spy was shot to death last month as claimed by animal rights groups, Norwegian police said Monday.... Police said that the Norwegian Veterinary Institute conducted a preliminary autopsy on the animal, which was become known as 'Hvaldimir,' combining the Norwegian word for whale — hval — and the first name of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'There are no findings from the autopsy that indicate that Hvaldimir has been shot,' police said in a statement.”

New York Times: Botswana's “President Mokgweetsi Masisi grinned as he lifted the diamond, a 2,492-carat stone that is the biggest diamond unearthed in more than a century and the second-largest ever found, according to the Vancouver-based mining operator Lucara, which owns the mine where it was found. This exceptional discovery could bring back the luster of the natural diamond mining industry, mining companies and experts say. The diamond was discovered in the same relatively small mine in northeastern Botswana that has produced several of the largest such stones in living memory. Such gemstones typically surface as a result of volcanic activity.... The diamond will likely sell in the range of tens of millions of dollars....”

Click on photo to enlarge.

~~~ Guardian: "On a distant reef 16,000km from Paris, surfer Gabriel Medina has given Olympic viewers one of the most memorable images of the Games yet, with an airborne celebration so well poised it looked too good to be true. The Brazilian took off a thundering wave at Teahupo’o in Tahiti on Monday, emerging from a barrelling section before soaring into the air and appearing to settle on a Pacific cloud, pointing to the sky with biblical serenity, his movements mirrored precisely by his surfboard. The shot was taken by Agence France-Presse photographer Jérôme Brouillet, who said “the conditions were perfect, the waves were taller than we expected”. He took the photo while aboard a boat nearby, capturing the surreal image with such accuracy that at first some suspected Photoshop or AI." 

Washington Post: “'Mary Cassatt at Work' is a large and mostly satisfying exhibition devoted to the career of the great American artist beloved for her sensitive and often sentimental views of family life. The 'at work' in the title of the Philadelphia Museum of Art show references the curators’ interest in Cassatt’s pioneering effort to establish herself as a professional artist within a male-dominated field. Throughout the show, which includes some 130 paintings, pastels, prints and drawings, the wall text and the art on view stresses Cassatt’s fixation on art as a career rather than a pastime.... Mary Cassatt at Work is on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art through Sept. 8.

New York Times: “Bob Newhart, who died on Thursday at the age of 94, has been such a beloved giant of popular culture for so long that it’s easy to forget how unlikely it was that he became one of the founding fathers of stand-up comedy. Before basically inventing the hit stand-up special, with the 1960 Grammy-winning album 'The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart' — that doesn’t even count his pay-per-view event broadcast on Canadian television that some cite as the first filmed special — he was a soft-spoken accountant who had never done a set in a nightclub. That he made a classic with so little preparation is one of the great miracles in the history of comedy.... Bob Newhart holds up. In fact, it’s hard to think of a stand-up from that era who is a better argument against the commonplace idea that comedy does not age well.”

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Constant Comments

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. -- Edward R. Murrow

Publisher & Editor: Marie Burns


The Commentariat -- December 4, 2018

Afternoon Update:

PSA. Nathalie Sczublewski of NBC Washington: "... Donald Trump declared Wednesday, Dec. 5 a National Day of Mourning in remembrance of former President George H.W. Bush.... President Trump released a statement proclaiming that out of respect for the 41st president of the United States, the United States Postal Service will suspend regular mail deliveries, retail and administrative activities on Wednesday, Dec. 5." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: If you were planning a trip to the post office tomorrow, as I was, better change your plans.

Zack Ford of ThinkProgress: "The Trump administration seems to have edited out LGBTQ protections in the new North American trade agreement with Canada and Mexico (known as the USMCA). The change, an apparent gesture to a group of the most anti-LGBTQ members of Congress, ensures the administration's own anti-LGBTQ efforts can continue without undermining the agreement. Originally, the drafted trade agreement called on all three countries to establish 'policies that protect workers against employment discrimination on the basis of sex, including with regard to pregnancy, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity.' In the final version, however, a new footnote was added that significantly undermines the United States' obligation to uphold these protections." --s

E. A. Crunden of ThinkProgress: "The Trump administration is planning to revise its estimates for its fuel efficiency standards rollback, admitting that fewer lives would be saved than previously touted. That concession is a blow to efforts to walk back Obama-era fuel efficiency standards imposed to combat pollution..., At issue is the [Trump] administration's methodology, which critics say failed to properly account for the length of time owners keep their cars, in addition to possible mileage on newer cars with better fuel efficiency." --s

Mike DeBonis of the Washington Post: "The incoming House majority leader said Democrats might refuse to seat a North Carolina Republican next year unless and until 'substantial' questions about the integrity of his election are resolved. Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), the current minority whip, made the comments to reporters Tuesday as North Carolina election officials investigate whether an operative hired by Republican candidate Mark Harris illegally collected incomplete ballots from voters. The probe has delayed the certification of Harris's narrow victory in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, and the state officials could decide to call for a new election. Harris and Democrat Dan McCready are separated by 905 votes, according to unofficial returns. But Hoyer's comments throw into doubt whether, if Harris's win is ultimately certified, he would be sworn in as a member."

Alex Isenstadt & John Bresnahan of Politico: "The House GOP campaign arm suffered a major hack during the 2018 election, exposing thousands of sensitive emails to an outside intruder, according to three senior party officials. The email accounts of four senior aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee were surveilled for several months, the party officials said. The intrusion was detected in April by an NRCC vendor, who alerted the committee and its cybersecurity contractor. An internal investigation was initiated and the FBI was alerted to the attack, said the officials.... However, senior House Republicans -- including Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) -- were not informed of the hack until Politico contacted the NRCC on Monday with questions about the episode. Rank-and-file House Republicans were not told, either. Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio), who served as NRCC chairman this past election cycle, did not respond to repeated requests for comment.... Party officials would not say when the hack began or who was behind it, although they privately believe it was a foreign agent due to the nature of the attack." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: I'm not the hacker but I know what the "sensitive" e-mails said: "Let's cheat this guy. Let's steal some ballots. Let's not let "those people" vote in Georgia." And so forth.

**Ian Millhiser of ThinkProgress: "A quarter century ago, America was approaching a consensus regarding how our Constitution should be read.... All of that changed after the late President George H.W. Bush placed Justice Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court. Justice Thomas may be the most underestimated person in American law. As I wrote last June, 'no justice did more to shape a political movement's sense of what it can achieve through litigation.'... His plans to dismantle the federal administrative state now dominate both the Federalist Society and the Trump administration. His opinions suggesting that much of the New Deal and the Great Society are unconstitutional taught a generation of conservative law students to dream of a world where every law they disagree with is struck down by the Supreme Court... No one could win a presidential election running on these policies.... But what Clarence Thomas taught the conservative movement is that it doesn't need to campaign openly on its most radical ideas. Presidents can run on much more popular ideas and even govern with relative moderation, and allow their judicial nominees to do the heavy lifting for them. They may even be remembered as moderates despite the actions of their nominees. Just look at George H.W. Bush." --s

Mike Memoli of NBC News: "Former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday said his decision on whether to enter the 2020 presidential race will rest on a whether he and his family are 'ready,' even as he argued that his strengths as a potential candidate far outweigh any perceived liabilities. Biden's comments came during a brief tour promoting the paperback release of his 2017 memoir, 'Promise Me, Dad,' in which he details how the death of his eldest son, Beau, from brain cancer kept him out of the 2016 presidential race. 'I think I'm the most qualified person in the country to be president. The issues that we face as a country today are the issues that I've worked on my whole life -- the plight of the middle class and foreign policy,' Biden told an audience in Montana, according to The Missoula Current. 'But my family and I need to decide as a unit whether we're ready -- we do everything as a family.'"

Justin Wise of the Hill: "Michael Avenatti, the attorney for adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Tuesday that he will not run for president in 2020, ending speculation that he could challenge President Trump. 'After consultation with my family and at their request, I have decided not to seek the presidency of the U.S. in 2020,' Avenatti said in a statement shared on Twitter. 'I do not make this decision lightly -- I make it out of respect for my family. But for their concerns, I would run.'"

William March of The Tampa Bay Times: "Newly elected [Republican] congressman Ross Spano has acknowledged that his campaign financing 'may have been in violation' of federal law. In a filing with the Federal Elections Commission..., he acknowledged borrowing $180,000 from two people he has described as personal friends from June through October this year, and then lending his campaign $167,000 in roughly the same time period.... When he made the loans to his campaign, Spano said on campaign finance reports that the money came from his 'personal funds.'... Several election law experts have said that if Spano's loans to his campaign came ... from money borrowed from friends, it appears to violate campaign finance law." --s

"Banana Republic Dictators." Allan Smith of NBC News: "Democrats fought back Monday as Republican legislators in Wisconsin and Michigan moved to strip power from them after the GOP lost a series of crucial races last month. In Wisconsin, Republicans pressed ahead with a lame-duck session -- the first held in eight years -- to give GOP Gov. Scott Walker the opportunity to limit the power of his successor, Democratic Gov.-elect Tony Evers. The Republican measures would also change the date of the 2020 presidential primary to benefit a conservative state Supreme Court justice and limit early voting. If passed, the state Senate and Assembly could vote on the measures on Tuesday.... In Michigan, meanwhile, Republicans introduced bills late last week to diminish the powers of the incoming Democratic governor, secretary of state and attorney general as well.... The efforts are likely to be met with legal challenges should they pass.... 'These Republican legislatures are acting like banana republic dictators, not leaders in a democracy,' Jared Leopold, communications director for the Democratic Governors Association, told NBC News in a statement. 'These proposals are an insult to the voters of Wisconsin and Michigan,' he said."

Justin Miller of the Texas Observer: "At the Texas Republican Party's 2018 convention, Ray Myers was a part of a select group of activists charged with crafting the platform for the biggest and most influential state party in the country. Myers is also a white nationalist, a fact that he declared last week. 'Damn Right, I'm a WHITE NATIONALIST and very Proud of it,' Myers wrote in a Facebook post last Tuesday. Myers is a 74-year-old activist who has been involved in GOP politics for decades. But 'the pivotal political moment came when Obama came on the scene. I knew immediately that America was in trouble,' he said in an Empower Texans profile. Soon after, he founded a tea party chapter in Kaufman County, just east of Dallas. More recently, Myers was a member of Ted Cruz's 'Texas Leadership Team' during his presidential campaign, served as a Cruz delegate at the RNC convention and went on to become a Trump volunteer, according to his Facebook profile."

Daniel Victor of the New York Times: "A black man killed by the police in an Alabama mall in November was shot three times from behind, according to a forensic examination commissioned by the man's family. The finding, announced in a news conference on Monday, was seen by the man's family and lawyers as evidence he was running away and posed no threat to the officer who shot him. Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr., 21, was fatally shot in the middle of a panicked crowd at the Riverchase Galleria in Hoover, Ala., on Nov. 22, as officers responded to reports of gunshots on Thanksgiving night. Witnesses said Mr. Bradford, who was legally carrying a handgun, was directing shoppers to safety. But the authorities publicly identified him as the gunman, an initial misidentification they retracted a day later."

Sausage Fest. Gillian Tan & Katia Porzecanski of Bloomberg: "Call it the Pence Effect, after ... Mike Pence, who has said he avoids dining alone with any woman other than his wife. In finance, the overarching impact can be, in essence, gender segregation. Interviews with more than 30 senior executives [on Wall Street] suggest many are spooked by #MeToo and struggling to cope. 'It's creating a sense of walking on eggshells,' said David Bahnsen, a former managing director at Morgan Stanley.... Now, more than a year into the #MeToo movement ... Wall Street risks becoming more of a boy's club, rather than less of one." --s

Julie Brown of the Miami Herald: "A trial that could have allowed the victims of serial molester Jeffrey Epstein to finally tell their stories from a witness stand was aborted Tuesday when it was announced in court that the case had been settled. It ended with an apology -- not to the dozens of women who were sexually abused by Epstein as underage girls, but to the lawyer who represented them. There is also a monetary settlement, which is undisclosed."


Shawn Donnan of Bloomberg News: "... Donald Trump left his top advisers scrambling on Monday to explain a trade deal he claimed he'd struck with China to reduce tariffs on U.S. cars exported to the country -- an agreement that doesn't exist on paper and hasn't been confirmed in Beijing. In the day after Trump announced the deal in a two-sentence Twitter post, the White House provided no additional information. At a briefing in Beijing, a spokesman for the foreign ministry declined to comment on any changes to car tariffs. [Steve Mnuchin said 'Homina homina.' Larry Kudlow said, 'Blah, blah, blah.']... Asked why the auto tariffs weren't mentioned in statements the U.S. and China issued after the dinner, Kudlow inexplicably insisted that they were.... Trump nevertheless praised himself for the dinner, and abandoned nuance in claiming on Twitter that China had agreed to immediately buy more U.S. farm products, in addition to dropping car tariffs." ...

... Jim Puzzanghera of the Los Angeles Times puts it like this: "President Trump's top economic advisors pushed back Monday on his claim that China has agreed to eliminate tariffs on U.S. auto imports, saying no such agreement had been struck. The unusual dispute was the latest to suggest that Trump's handshake agreement on trade during a working dinner Saturday night in Argentina with Chinese President Xi Jinping remains open to divergent interpretation, even in the White House." ...

... Heather Long of the Washington Post: "President Trump claims he secured an 'incredible' trade deal between the United States and China over the weekend. In reality, Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping struck a truce to pause the tariff blows, which is far from a sweeping trade pact. Trump claims there were real breakthroughs on agriculture and cars, as well as Chinese theft of American intellectual property. In tweets Monday, Trump called the meeting with Xi on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires 'extraordinary' and promised 'big and fast' benefits for farmers. But China's readout of what happened in Argentina is different. China seems to believe that the only real movement was an agreement to halt additional tariffs and a mutual commitment to reduce the ones Trump and Xi put into effect this year. In other words, Trump makes it sound like China is starting to cave to his demands. Top Chinese officials make it sound like the only thing that's about to change is that U.S.-China trade relations would go back to where they were in January -- before Trump unleashed his tariff war." ...

... Alex Ward of Vox: Trump & his crew "claim Beijing agreed to lower tariffs on American cars entering the Chinese market from 40 percent to zero.... [But] if Beijing lowers the tariff rate on US autos to zero, it must also do that for all other countries [of the World Trade Organization] that want to sell their vehicles in the Chinese market.... [And] experts said that most cars sold in China are produced there. That means there are already few American cars taxed at the Chinese border. Reducing the tariffs to zero would therefore have very little impact on America's export industry to China." Since the Chinese are not much interested in purchasing American gas-guzzlers, the bigger beneficiaries of Trump's "deal" would be automakers in Japan, South Korea & Germany. Mrs. McC: According to Heather Long, in the article linked above, it's likely that the Chinese would reduce the auto tariff not to zero but to 15 percent, which was where it was before Trump started his trade war. ...

     ... Thanks to Ken W. for the link. As Ken asks & answers, "When is a deal not a deal? When the Pretender tweets its." ...

... FAKE DEALS! Alex Shephard of the New Republic: Trump's "highly successful" "trade deal" with Xi "fits a familiar pattern. Trump ratchets up hostilities with foreign governments in an attempt to negotiate (or renegotiate) deals that are more favorable to the U.S. But then he agrees only to superficial changes, which he nonetheless presents as historic wins that only he could accomplish. It's a reminder that his real skill as a businessman -- and now a politician -- was never in making deals, but in marketing himself as a dealmaker. While that proved effective on the campaign trail in 2016, it may come back to haunt him in 2020." ...

... Amie Tsang & Matthew Phillips of the New York Times: "Stocks rose on Wall Street Monday after President Trump and President Xi Jinping of China reached a truce in the countries' trade war.Shares of industrial stocks rose, as exporting giants such as Boeing, Caterpillar and Deere pulled the export-reliant S&P 500 industrial sector higher. Semiconductor makers, which have been hurt by the potential for the trade war to disrupt their widespread production networks in Asia, rose as well. Those early gains, however, were tempered by doubts that the fragile cease-fire -- essentially a 90-day postponement of planned additional American tariffs on Chinese imports -- would put the dispute between the world's two largest economies to rest permanently. After gaining nearly 1.4 percent in early trading Monday, the S&P 500 was up by less than 1 percent by late morning." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Erica Werner of the Washington Post: "Congressional leaders and White House officials agreed Monday to extend a government funding deadline by two weeks, until Dec. 21, setting up the possibility of a shutdown showdown just ahead of Christmas. The decision, confirmed by aides involved in the talks, was made because of the observances surrounding the death of former President George H.W. Bush. The former president will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda ahead of a service at the National Cathedral on Wednesday. The House has canceled all votes for this week. The current deadline is midnight on Friday, Dec. 7. The House and Senate are expected to approve the new deadline at some point this week. That could be done in the House by unanimous consent, without lawmakers present to vote."

This Russia Thing, Etc., Ctd.

Michael Isikoff of Yahoo! News: "... Robert Mueller's prosecutors have told defense lawyers in recent weeks that they are 'tying up loose ends' in their investigation, providing the clearest clues yet that the long-running probe into Russia's interference in the 2016 election may be coming to its climax, potentially in the next few weeks, according to multiple sources close to the matter. The new information about the state of Mueller's investigation comes during a pivotal week when the special counsel's prosecutors are planning to file memos about three of their most high profile defendants -- former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen. A Flynn sentencing memo is due Tuesday, and memos about Manafort and Cohen are slated for Friday. All three documents are expected to yield significant new details on what cooperation the three of them provided to the Russia investigation." Mrs. McC: Which explains Trump's self-incriminating rage tweets yesterday. ...

... When a Mob Boss Tweets. Jordan Fabian of the Hill: "President Trump on Monday said Michael Cohen does not deserve leniency for cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, arguing that his former personal lawyer should serve a 'full and complete' prison sentence. 'He makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself, and get his wife and father-in-law (who has the money?) off Scott Free [sic],' Trump wrote on Twitter of Cohen. 'He lied for this outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence.' Trump sought to further distance himself from his onetime ally by incorrectly claiming that Cohen's crimes were 'unrelated to Trump.'... While he blasted Cohen for turning against him, the president encouraged other people tied up in the Mueller probe to show loyalty. Trump praised his on-again, off-again adviser, Roger Stone, for refusing to cooperate with investigators. 'He will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about "President Trump." Nice to know that some people still have "guts!"' Trump wrote of Stone." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Deanna Paul of the Washington Post: "... legal experts are calling Monday's missives a newsworthy development that amounts to evidence of obstructing justice.... After the overt attack on [Michael] Cohen came a tweet encouraging Roger Stone ... not to become a witness against him[.]... Norman Eisen, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said that the most striking thing about Monday was that there were two statements in proximity. 'It comes very close to the statutory definition of witness tampering,' he said. 'It's a mirror image of the first tweet, only he's praising a witness for not cooperating with the implication of reward,' he said.... Tampering with a witness is obstruction of justice. It's a federal crime for an individual to intimidate, threaten or 'corruptly persuade' another person with the goal of influencing or preventing his or her testimony.... 'When you look at the tweets about Stone and Cohen, Trump is sending a very strong message to others that those who cooperate will be punished, and those who keep his secrets will be rewarded,' white-collar defense attorney Barry Berke said."

Peter Zeidenberg in a USA Today op-ed: "Defenders of the president have, despite the obvious progress of the Mueller investigation -- more than 30 indictments or guilty pleas, including Trump's campaign chairman, personal lawyer, national security adviser, deputy campaign manager and foreign policy adviser -- consistently argued that 'no collusion' has been proved. While it is true that the charges made public have not alleged conspiracy (there is no crime of 'collusion') it should be clear to all but the most obtuse by now that the endgame is drawing near. Mueller is laying out the predicate for a wide-ranging conspiracy case that will likely ensnare the president's family and, quite likely, Trump himself."

A Guy in a Leopard Jacket Never Changes His Spots. Ken Vogel & Nicholas Casey of the New York Times: "In mid-May 2017, Paul Manafort ... flew to Ecuador to offer his services to a potentially lucrative new client -- the country's incoming president, Lenín Moreno. Mr. Manafort made the trip mainly to see if he could broker a deal under which China would invest in Ecuador's power system, possibly yielding a fat commission for Mr. Manafort. But the talks turned to a diplomatic sticking point between the United States and Ecuador: the fate of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In at least two meetings with Mr. Manafort, Mr. Moreno and his aides discussed their desire to rid themselves of Mr. Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012, in exchange for concessions like debt relief from the United States, according to three people familiar with the talks, the details of which have not been previously reported. They said Mr. Manafort suggested he could help negotiate a deal for the handover of Mr. Assange to the United States, which has long investigated Mr. Assange for the disclosure of secret documents and which later filed charges against him that have not yet been made public. Within a couple of days of Mr. Manafort's final meeting in Quito, Robert S. Mueller III was appointed as the special counsel to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and related matters, and it quickly became clear that Mr. Manafort was a primary target. His talks with Ecuador ended without any deals."

Brian Melley of the AP: "Lawyers for ... Donald Trump asked a court Monday for nearly $800,000 in lawyers' fees and penalties from porn actress Stormy Daniels for a failed defamation lawsuit against him. Attorney Charles Harder defended ringing up a nearly $390,000 legal bill for the president and asked for an equal amount in sanctions as a deterrent against a 'repeat filer of frivolous defamation cases.' Judge S. James Otero didn't immediately rule. He noted that fees by Harder';s firm -- as high as $840 an hour -- were reasonable but the 580 hours spent on the case appeared to be excessive and might be trimmed in his eventual award."

"Trump Handles Bush's Death with Abnormal Normality." Eliana Johnson
of Politico: George H.W. "Bush's death has at least temporarily displaced Trump's public disdain for the Bush family and, for the moment, he is even borrowing from his late predecessor's celebrated sense of etiquette. On Monday night, Trump visited Capitol Hill to pay personal respects to the 41st president, whose casket arrived earlier in the day and is lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda. The display of respect even extended to the late president's son, former President George W. Bush, whom Trump has derided as 'the worst president ever.' Trump offered Bush the use of his official guest residence, Blair House, while the younger Bush is in Washington for the events surrounding his father' funeral.... In short, the president is behaving normally...." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: What with Absolutely Everything being All About Trump, my guess is that Trump is thinking ahead to the kind of send-off he wants & is providing a blueprint of how he should be respected.

Jonathan Chait on how confederates misremember George H.W. Bush: "Today's Republican Party reflects the lessons it has taught itself from the Bush era.... The Wall Street Journal editorial memorializing the elder Bush is a useful summary of the prevailing Republican interpretation of the 41st president. It memorializes Bush's 1988 campaign, led by Lee Atwater and Roger Ailes, as a triumph for which the 'left never forgave him." On the flip side, in addition to dwelling on the hated tax hike, the Journal scolds Bush for failing to invade and occupy Iraq after the Gulf War -- 'The blot on that victory was that he let Saddam Hussein stay in power' -- as if nobody has tried that and we have no idea how it would work." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: The fact is that Republicans & confederates deplore any show of decency but take pride instead in winning by subterfuge, sabotage & suppression.

Rebecca Kheel
of the Hill: "CIA Director Gina Haspel will reportedly brief Senate leaders on the death of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, after senators criticized her absence from a briefing last week. Citing unnamed people familiar with the matter, the Wall Street Journal reported the briefing will happen Tuesday.... Last week, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo briefed the whole Senate on U.S.-Saudi relations and the Yemen civil war in an effort to head off a resolution that would end U.S. military support for the Saudis in the war. The briefing, though, backfired for the administration, as senators found the presentation unconvincing and voted 63-37 to advance the resolution. Lawmakers were also upset at Haspel's absence, as they wanted to hear the CIA's assessment on the death of Khashoggi directly from her."

Julie Barnes & Eric Schmitt of the New York Times: "The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide's command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team's advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered. The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.'s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government. 'This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,' said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. 'There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.'" Mrs. McC: This is a reiteration of news we linked over the weekend, but it's a stronger statement about the strength of the evidence. (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

All the Best People, Ctd. Michelle Goldberg: "It is the perverse good fortune of Alexander Acosta, Donald Trump's secretary of labor, to be part of an administration so spectacularly corrupt that it's simply impossible to give all its scandals the attention they deserve. Last Wednesday, The Miami Herald published a blockbuster multipart exposé about how the justice system failed the victims of Jeffrey Epstein, a rich, politically connected financier who appears to have abused underage girls on a near-industrial scale. The investigation, more than a year in the making, described Epstein as running a sort of child molestation pyramid scheme, in which girls -- some in middle school -- would be recruited to give Epstein 'massages' at his Palm Beach mansion, pressured into sex acts, then coerced into bringing him yet more girls. The Herald reported that Epstein was also suspected of trafficking girls from overseas.... For reasons that are not entirely clear, Acosta took extraordinary measures to let Epstein -- and, crucially, other unnamed people -- off the hook.... While Acosta's record covering up for a depraved plutocrat makes him a good fit for the Trump administration, it should disqualify him from public service." Read on. Perhaps Alan Dershowitz wasn't just Epstein's lawyer.

Sarah Burris of the Raw Story: Congressional Republicans are responding to their midterm losses among women voters by -- letting the Violence Against Women Act expire. Mrs. McC: Is this revenge, misogyny, or just cruel & stupid? ...

     ... Update. Just Stupid. Jennifer Shutt of Roll Call: "Despite indications earlier Monday that the Violence Against Women Act would not be extended as part of the two-week continuing resolution, the stopgap funding measure would indeed extend VAWA until at least Dec. 21."

** Cheating Democracy Every Way They Can. Eric Levitz of New York: "The Republican Party entered this year's battle for House control with 22 seats to spare, a map gerrymandered in its favor to a historic (and arguably unconstitutional) degree, and the benefit of presiding over decades-low unemployment, and robust economic growth. It left with (at least) 40 fewer members in the lower chamber, a popular vote loss of more than 8 percent, and the ignominious achievement of having forfeited more House seats in a single midterm than it had at any point since 1974's post-Watergate bloodbath. The party has responded to this historic rebuke by rethinking ... approximately nothing.... In Wisconsin and Michigan, the [Republican] party is doing everything in its power to muzzle that electorate, and nullify its verdict.... Republicans' dominance in rural areas has allowed them to retain significant power in statehouses and the Senate."

Crazy People. Rachel Weiner of the Washington Post: Kevin Doherty, "a man who worked as an investigator for conspiracy theorist Jack Burkman, will serve nine years in prison for shooting and wounding his ex-boss in a complicated plot involving a fake FBI exposé.... Burkman told The Washington Post in March that he hired Doherty, a onetime Marine, to investigate the death of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich. Burkman, a Republican lobbyist, has enmeshed himself in a conspiracy theory that Rich was killed for handing Democratic emails over to WikiLeaks.... In March, Burkman said his interest in Rich's death and conspiracy theories generally remained strong. Last month, Burkman held a news conference at which he claimed he had spoken to a woman who had been the victim of inappropriate behavior by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. No such woman ever appeared."

Beyond the Beltway

Florida. Jerry Ianelli of the Miami New Times: "This past Friday, Broward Sheriff's Office SWAT member Matt Patten wore a QAnon conspiracy-theory patch while greeting Vice President Mike Pence at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. [Monday] Patten was reprimanded and demoted from the SWAT team and ;BSO's Office of Homeland Security."

It's Okay. It's New Jersey! Claude Brodesser-Akner of "FBI agents raided the home of Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam just before 8 a.m. Monday morning, the agency confirmed to NJ Advance Media.... At least a dozen agents were seen going in and out of the Ohio Avenue home Monday morning, removing more than 10 boxes. An FBI spokeswoman at the scene said both FBI and IRS agents were involved in the search of home.... Gilliam, a Democrat elected in November 2017, was also recently served with municipal criminal summons from a mid-November brawl at the Haven nightclub. Gilliam and Councilman Jeffree Fauntleroy II were involved in a fight outside the Haven Nightclub at Golden Nugget Nov. 11 around 2:22 a.m. People involved allege the elected officials assaulted them and chased them with a car." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

North Carolina. Alan Blinder of the New York Times: "L. McCrae Dowless Jr...., a bit player in North Carolina's incessant battles over voting rules and alleged fraud, is at the center of a spiraling battle over whether deceit and misconduct corrupted the campaign for Congress in the Ninth District. State regulators have refused to certify the preliminary results, which showed the Republican nominee, Mark Harris, with a 905-vote edge over Dan McCready, his Democratic opponent. If state officials ultimately find that the balloting was tainted enough to 'cast doubt' on the results, they would have the power to order a new election.... The alleged and acknowledged machinations of Mr. Dowless, who has a felony record and a history of financial fraud, have produced yet another bitter electoral impasse in a state that seems perpetually engulfed by them. State officials are particularly concerned that people working on behalf of Mr. Harris's campaign picked up, or 'harvested,' absentee ballots, a crime under North Carolina law." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: Here's a twist I forgot about: "The dispute ... may not be settled for weeks, and it may ultimately be resolved by the House of Representatives itself, which has the constitutional authority to be 'the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members.'"

Tennessee. Stavros Agorakis of Vox: "David Earl Miller will face the death penalty in Tennessee later this week, and like a growing number of inmates, he's asking for electrocution over lethal injection. Miller sent a handwritten note marked 'URGENT' to the warden over at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution, mere weeks before his sentence is to carried out on December 6. The 61-year-old man was found guilty of the 1981 murder of Lee Standifer in Knoxville, according to the Tennessean. Miller is the second death row inmate this year who chose the electric chair over lethal injection, and his wish appears to play out amid two big factors: Botched executions have gotten national attention, and challenges either to the death penalty itself or to specific forms of execution are on the rise."

Wisconsin. Sore Losers. Mitch Smith & Monica Davey of the New York Times: "Facing the prospect of sharing political power for the first time in almost a decade, Republicans in Wisconsin are racing to set new limits on the authority of Democrats who will soon take over the offices of governor and attorney general. It was the latest effort by leaders of a state to try to shift authority in the face of an election loss, and it set off furious protests from Wisconsin Democrats, who said they would not stand for the moves and called on residents to raise loud objections. Republicans called lawmakers to the state capital this week to weigh a sweeping plan that could diminish the power of Tony Evers, the Democrat who beat Gov. Scott Walker last month, by restricting his ability to shift how public benefits programs are run and limiting his authority to set rules for carrying out state laws."

Way Beyond

Denmark. Get Out! Martin Sorensen of the New York Times: "Denmark plans to house the country’s most unwelcome foreigners in a most unwelcoming place: a tiny, hard-to-reach island that now holds the laboratories, stables and crematory of a center for researching contagious animal diseases. As if to make the message clearer, one of the two ferries that serve the island is called the Virus. 'They are unwanted in Denmark, and they will feel that,' the immigration minister, Inger Stojberg, wrote on Facebook. On Friday, the center-right government and the right-wing Danish People's Party announced an agreement to house as many as 100 people on Lindholm Island -- foreigners who have been convicted of crimes and rejected asylum seekers who cannot be returned to their home countries."

France. Adam Nossiter of the New York Times: "In a major concession by President Emmanuel Macron, France will suspend for six months a tax increase on gasoline and diesel fuel that had been slated for January, in an attempt to quell weeks of protests and rioting by the so-called Yellow Vests movement.... It was not immediately clear whether the government's announcement, which also delayed new vehicle inspection measures and increases in gas and electricity rates, would be enough to calm the demonstrations. Initial reaction from spokesmen for Yellow Vest protesters was negative."

Hungary. Griff Witte of the Washington Post: Prime Minister Viktor Orban drove Central European University into exile. The school, established [by George Soros] a quarter-century ago to educate a new generation of leaders and scholars after the collapse of the Iron Curtain, became on Monday the first university to be forced out of a European Union nation. The ejection marked one of the surest signals to date of autocracy's return to Hungary.... In an interview with The Washington Post last week, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David B. Cornstein confirmed that he had never tried to use either incentives or threats to sway Orban, despite proclaiming upon arrival in Budapest in June that his top mission was to keep CEU in the country. With that effort having failed, he blamed ... George Soros for CEU's departure and refused to criticize Orban. Cornstein also minimized the university's importance.... Last week..., Cornstein ... described Orban as his 'friend' and accused Soros of being insufficiently acquiescent to the government. [Here's the kicker:] Cornstein [is] an 80-year-old New Yorker who made his fortune in the jewelry, gambling and telemarketing businesses and is a close friend of President Trump's." Mrs. McC: You expect this guy to have principles or give a rat's ass about academic freedom?

Nigeria. Weird News. Guardian & agencies: "Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has denied claims that he had died and was replaced by a Sudanese impostor, breaking his silence on a rumour that has circulated on social media for months. Buhari, who is running for re-election in February, spent five months in Britain last year being treated for an undisclosed illness. One theory widely aired on social media -- and by some political opponents -- was that he had been replaced by a lookalike from Sudan called Jubril. No evidence has been presented, but videos making the claim have been viewed thousands of times on YouTube and Facebook." Mrs. McC: If Trump is replaced by a body double, we'll know when the guy accidentally says something kindly in a complete, comprehensible sentence.

Qatar. Ben Hubbard & Stanley Reed of the New York Times: "The tiny, wealthy Persian Gulf state of Qatar will withdraw from OPEC in January, the country's energy minister said on Monday, hinting that it wanted freedom from an oil cartel dominated by Saudi Arabia, one of its regional rivals. The minister, Saad Sherida al-Kaabi, said Qatar would focus on its gas industry and dismissed the idea that the withdrawal was connected to politics, but not without taking a jab at Saudi Arabia and its clout in the organization. Qatar is one of the smallest producers in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and its modest contributions to the oil market will most likely dampen the effect of its move on prices, which have been battered in recent weeks by fears of a glut." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)


The Social Compact

David Leonhardt writes in today's New York Times about an opinion piece that appeared in Fortune magazine in October 1944. The author was William Benton, the co-founder of Benton & Bowles ad agency, who was writing for a corporate lobbying group. Benton wrote that when the war ended, "'... our goal will be jobs, peacetime production, high living standards and opportunity.' That goal, he wrote, depended on American businesses accepting 'necessary and appropriate government regulation,; as well as labor unions. It depended on companies not earning their profits 'at the expense of the welfare of the community.' It depended on rising wages. These leftist-sounding ideas weren’t based on altruism. The Great Depression and the rise of European fascism had scared American executives. Many had come to believe that unrestrained capitalism was dangerous — to everyone.... In the years that followed, corporate America largely followed this prescription."

Leonhardt goes on to summarize a plan Elizabeth Warren has to force companies to invest in their workers and communities as they did decades ago -- that is, to be good citizens.

Following is a somewhat revised version of a comment I made to Leonardt's column:

What Leonhardt is writing about is the so-called "social compact" among business, labor & government. It was a given for a quarter of a century, albeit one accompanied by a certain amount of grousing by all three legs of the stool, which of course remained in tension.

Lewis Powell effectively tore up the social compact in his infamous 1971 memo to the then-head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It was a "corporate blueprint to dominate democracy."

Richard Nixon rewarded Powell's destructive political philosophy by appointing him to the Supreme Court. (Powell didn't want the job; it meant a deep cut to his income. Ironically, Nixon & his felonious attorney general John Mitchell eventually talked Powell into accepting the nomination by appealing to his sense of civic responsibility.)

About a year after Powell wrote the memo (and after he was sitting on the Court), Washington Post columnist Jack Anderson exposed it, assuming Americans would be horrified by Powell's attempt to undermine the democratic compact that had worked so well. Instead, the Powell memo inspired the growth of the now out-of-control conservative movement. And we can thank Powell for Wall Street's 1980s "greed is good" mantra.

As Leonhardt wrote in another column last year, "A half-century ago..., a top automobile executive named George Romney ... turned down several big annual bonuses. He did so, he told his company’s board, because he believed that no executive should make more than $225,000 a year (which translates into almost $2 million today)." Benton's premise, shared by many patriotic Americans of his generation and those that followed, gave us George Romney. Powell's gave us Mitt.


The Commentariat -- December 3, 2018

Afternoon Update:

Amie Tsang & Matthew Phillips of the New York Times: "Stocks rose on Wall Street Monday after President Trump and President Xi Jinping of China reached a truce in the countries' trade war.Shares of industrial stocks rose, as exporting giants such as Boeing, Caterpillar and Deere pulled the export-reliant S&P 500 industrial sector higher. Semiconductor makers, which have been hurt by the potential for the trade war to disrupt their widespread production networks in Asia, rose as well. Those early gains, however, were tempered by doubts that the fragile cease-fire -- essentially a 90-day postponement of planned additional American tariffs on Chinese imports -- would put the dispute between the world's two largest economies to rest permanently.After gaining nearly 1.4 percent in early trading Monday, the S&P 500 was up by less than 1 percent by late morning."

When a Mob Boss Tweets. Jordan Fabian of the Hill: "President Trump on Monday said Michael Cohen does not deserve leniency for cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller, arguing that his former personal lawyer should serve a 'full and complete' prison sentence. 'He makes up stories to get a GREAT & ALREADY reduced deal for himself, and get his wife and father-in-law (who has the money?) off Scott Free [sic],' Trump wrote on Twitter of Cohen. 'He lied for this outcome and should, in my opinion, serve a full and complete sentence.' Trump sought to further distance himself from his onetime ally by incorrectly claiming that Cohen's crimes were 'unrelated to Trump.'... While he blasted Cohen for turning against him, the president encouraged other people tied up in the Mueller probe to show loyalty. Trump praised his on-again, off-again adviser, Roger Stone, for refusing to cooperate with investigators. 'He will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about "President Trump." Nice to know that some people still have "guts!"' Trump wrote of Stone."

Julie Barnes & Eric Schmitt of the New York Times: "The C.I.A. has evidence that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide's command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi, according to former officials familiar with the intelligence.The adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, topped the list of Saudis who were targeted by American sanctions last month over their suspected involvement in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi. American intelligence agencies have evidence that Prince Salman and Mr. Qahtani had 11 exchanges that roughly coincided with the hit team's advance into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, where Mr. Khashoggi was murdered. The exchanges are a key piece of information that helped solidify the C.I.A.'s assessment that the crown prince ordered the killing of Mr. Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and Virginia resident who had been critical of the Saudi government. 'This is the smoking gun, or at least the smoking phone call,' said Bruce Riedel, a former C.I.A. official now at the Brookings Institution. 'There is only one thing they could possibly be talking about. This shows that the crown prince was witting of premeditated murder.'" Mrs. McC: This is a reiteration of news we linked over the weekend, but it's a stronger statement about the strength of the evidence.

Ben Hubbard & Stanley Reed of the New York Times: "The tiny, wealthy Persian Gulf state of Qatar will withdraw from OPEC in January, the country's energy minister said on Monday, hinting that it wanted freedom from an oil cartel dominated by Saudi Arabia, one of its regional rivals. The minister, Saad Sherida al-Kaabi, said Qatar would focus on its gas industry and dismissed the idea that the withdrawal was connected to politics, but not without taking a jab at Saudi Arabia and its clout in the organization. Qatar is one of the smallest producers in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and its modest contributions to the oil market will most likely dampen the effect of its move on prices, which have been battered in recent weeks by fears of a glut."

It's Okay. It's New Jersey! Claude Brodesser-Akner of "FBI agents raided the home of Atlantic City Mayor Frank Gilliam just before 8 a.m. Monday morning.... At least a dozen agents were seen going in and out of the Ohio Avenue home Monday morning, removing more than 10 boxes. An FBI spokeswoman at the scene said both FBI and IRS agents were involved in the search of home.... Gilliam, a Democrat elected in November 2017, was also recently served with municipal criminal summons from a mid-November brawl at the Haven nightclub. Gilliam and Councilman Jeffree Fauntleroy II were involved in a fight outside the Haven Nightclub at Golden Nugget Nov. 11 around 2:22 a.m. People involved allege the elected officials assaulted them and chased them with a car."


Two Takes on the Same International Man of Misery:

1. Andrew Restuccia of Politico: "... Donald Trump said his trade agreement with China was 'one of the largest deals ever made.' He dubbed his new accord with Canada and Mexico the 'most significant, modern and balanced trade agreement in history.' And he insisted that the world leaders he's lambasted on the world stage had become great friends. As he crisscrossed Buenos Aires, posing for photos with dignitaries and boasting about his accomplishments, Trump left behind a trail of exaggerations meant to paper over the fractious first half of his term and rebrand himself as a globe-trotting statesman.... The president arrived back in Washington on Sunday feeling triumphant, believing his latest international trip to be a resounding success.... But behind the veneer is a more complicated reality. His deal with President Xi Jinping of China was effectively an agreement to continue trying to agree. The president's critics argue that the new North American trade agreement is little more than NAFTA 1.1. And behind all the smiles, many world leaders still have a strong distaste for Trump."

2. David Nakamura & John Hudson of the Washington Post: "After midterm elections in which their party loses political power in Washington, American presidents have traditionally used foreign travel to change the subject.... But in the wake of the Republicans' electoral setback last month, President Trump has, once again, eschewed tradition. Trump returned to Washington on Sunday after a relatively subdued two-day visit to the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires, where he announced modest breakthroughs on trade but chose to avoid provocative meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. His performance -- coupled with his listless two-day visit to Paris days after the midterms, during which he skipped a visit to an American cemetery and appeared isolated from other world leaders -- has created the impression of a president scaling back his ambitions on the world stage amid mounting political crises."

This Russia Thing, Etc., Ctd.

Dahlia Lithwick of Slate: "This was the week in which we learned that a lot of what had been reported as speculative, or reported but not taken seriously, or reported but forgotten, now maps onto real facts. This was the week that Trump confederates were shown to be liars or admitted to being liars.... Mueller is now setting down markers around which of Trump's advisers and associates and family were involved in Russian entanglements that may have compromised them and with efforts to cover those entanglements up.... For anyone who still allows the facts to determine outcomes, even through the confusion and the hectic pace, this was the week it got real." ...

... All the President*'s Scumbags. Paul Waldman in the Washington Post (Nov. 28): "... movies and television have given us a distorted view of how conspiracies work. The Hollywood version of a conspiracy involves careful planning, skilled operatives, multiple moving parts coming together with uncanny efficiency and usually a scene in which everyone involved gets together so the leader can say, 'Okay, here's the plan,' which he then runs through so everyone understands how the whole thing will go down. In the real world, conspiracies are more likely to involve the lack of any coherent plan, a bunch of bumbling fools only partially understanding what the other fools are up to and then frantic attempts by all concerned to avoid responsibility when the whole thing unravels or gets revealed. That appears to be what the conspiracy to get Donald Trump elected president was like." ...

... Katherine Miller of BuzzFeed News: This Rusher Thing is "the best TV show Donald Trump will ever create.... It's sort of fun and destroying our souls all at once.... [Popular literary, film & TV] series feature: dozens of characters; complicated and overlapping plots; a distance from our own reality; and, with notable exceptions, limited interiority (you don't know what most characters are thinking or feeling). Combine the density of the plots and that interiority gap, and you the viewer have a lot of room to roam where it comes to theories, side plots, and hopes for how it all might turn out. And isn't that what we're looking at with the Russia investigation, except in real life?"

Julia Davis of the Daily Beast: "Following the abrupt cancellation of Donald Trump's G20 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian state media roasted him. Known for seamlessly adhering to the Kremlin's viewpoint, the troupe of Putin's cheerleaders took turns laying into the president of the United States.... Trump remains willfully ignorant or blissfully unaware of the Kremlin's disdain, stating: 'I think we have a very good relationship... So I'll meet with him [Putin] at the appropriate time.'" Mrs. McC: Some of the Russian commentary sounds like what we might say here on Reality Chex.

John Bowden of the Hill: "President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, took aim at special counsel Robert Mueller in an interview airing Sunday, criticizing what he called 'unethical' tactics by prosecutors in Mueller's office after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress. In an interview with AM 970 in New York, Giuliani accused Mueller of crossing a line by 'intimidating' Trump's allies into saying 'what he believes [is] his version of the truth.' 'They obviously exerted a lot of pressure on him. Mr. Cohen unfortunately has a history of significant lies in the past,' Giuliani told host John Catsimatidis...." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Oliver Laughland of the Guardian: "Roger Stone ... has said he has not discussed a potential pardon with the president should he be implicated in ... Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Mueller's investigation appears laser-focused on Stone's possible ties to WikiLeaks amid mounting evidence that Stone and another Trump ally, the conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, may have been aware of the organisation's plans to publish stolen emails from the Clinton campaign long before they were released. Speaking to ABCs This Week on Sunday, Stone again denied ties to WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, and insisted he had not discussed a pardon with Trump. 'There's no circumstance under which I would testify against the president because I'd have to bear false witness against him,' Stone said. 'I'd have to make things up. And I'm not going to do that. I've had no discussion regarding a pardon.'" (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Ben Kamisar of NBC News: "New York Democrat Jerry Nadler, the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said Sunday that new revelations from one of President Trump's allies amount to proof that Russia had 'leverage' over Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.... 'The fact that he was lying to the American people about doing business in Russia and the Kremlin knew he was lying gave the Kremlin a hold over him,' Nadler said. 'One question we have now is, does the Kremlin still have a hold over him because of other lies that they know about?'" (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Kris Schneider of ABC News: "The leading Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee [Adam Schiff] said Sunday on 'This Week' that there is now a witness in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation..., Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen, who he said confirms that 'the president and his business are compromised.'" (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Kyle Cheney of Politico (Nov. 30): "The top Democrats on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees said Friday they spoke with acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker, who pledged to follow 'all the regulations, policies and procedures' that govern special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. Reps. Jerry Nadler and Elijah Cummings, the likely incoming chairmen of Judiciary and Oversight, respectively, say Whitaker also committed to testifying before their panels in January, when Democrats will take control of the House." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Roey Hadar
of ABC News: "Former FBI Director James Comey wrote on Twitter that he will testify privately before a House panel Monday on the condition that he will be able to speak freely afterward and that a public transcript will be released within 24 hours. 'Hard to protect my rights without being in contempt, which I don't believe in. So [I] will sit in the dark, but Republicans agree I'm free to talk when done and transcript released in 24 hours. This is the closest I can get to public testimony,' Comey wrote on Twitter Sunday morning.... Comey had filed suit in federal court Thursday to block the subpoena requiring him to testify behind closed doors to the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, instead preferring to testify publicly. In the lawsuit, the former FBI director condemned the process as being powered by 'a poisonous combination of presidential tweets and the selective leaking that has become standard practice' for Republican lawmakers." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

     ... Contributor Nisky Guy is surprised to learn that Comey is not a fan of selective leaks.

CBS News: "Vice Adm. Scott Stearney, who oversaw U.S. naval forces in the Middle East, was found dead Saturday in his residence in Bahrain, officials said. Defense officials told CBS News they are calling it an 'apparent suicide.' Stearney was the commander of the U.S. Navy's Bahrain-based 5th Fleet. Rear Adm. Paul Schlise, the deputy commander of the 5th Fleet, has assumed command, the Navy said in a statement." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

This belongs in Infotainment, but I can't adapt it to the narrow format:

Wingers are very, very upset about this HuffPost tweet:

This should probably go under Infotainment, too:

... "Trump's Book Club." Katie Rogers of the New York Times Is So Mean: "President Trump, a leader who is not exactly a man of letters -- at least not beyond those on his CAPS LOCK keyboard -- has been using his Twitter account to promote a slew of books that he regards as 'incredible,' 'terrific' and 'great originals.' At least six books, presumably in the running to line the conspiracy theory section of the future Trump presidential library, have titles like 'Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump' and 'The Russia Hoax.' The authors are supporters like Jeanine Pirro, a longtime friend whose book 'Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy,' has, according to the president, aptly explained 'the phony Witch Hunt.' Most of the titles given an Oprah's-book-club-like stamp by the president have authors who mirror his view that there are forces within the government intent on bringing him down. And some contain their share of Trump-friendly declarations that do not necessarily track with the truth: 'The Russia collusion investigation is over,' Ms. Pirro wrote in her book. (It's not.)" (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

"That Shit Doesn't Work." Michelle Obama Begs to Differ with Sheryl Sandberg. Opheli Lawler of New York: "Speaking about work life balance, and finding a way to excel in your career and marriage, [Michelle] Obama spoke frankly about what works and what doesn't -- and that the expectation of 'having it all' isn't always feasible. 'That whole "so you can have it all." Nope, not at the same time,' Obama said. 'That's a lie. And it's not always enough to lean in, because that shit doesn't work all the time.' The crowd erupted at hearing the former first lady say 'shit,' and Obama quickly apologized. 'I forgot where I was for a moment!'"

Franklin Foer of the Atlantic: "The world overflows with affection for the man long known as Poppy -- that clubbable, slightly daffy avatar of decency. But the encomiums for George H. W. Bush are coated in thick, water-beading layers of nostalgia. On the surface, obituaries for 41 carry the longing for a time when American politics was ruled by men of 'high character' and a sense of 'public duty,' the very antithesis of the present partisan era&'s coarseness.... All the florid remembrances are packed with fondness for a bygone institution known as the Establishment, hardened in the cold of New England boarding schools, acculturated by the late-night rituals of Skull and Bones, sent off to the world with a sense of noblesse oblige. For more than a century, this Establishment resided at the top of the American caste system. Now it is gone, and apparently people wish it weren't.... But good manners are hardly the same as moral courage; prudence is sometimes hard-hearted. Those who are mourning the passing of the old Establishment should mourn its many failures, too." ...

     ... "David Cop-a-Feel." Mrs. McCrabbie: It is worth noting that those cold New England (boys') boarding schools did not teach that "good manners" and "noblesse oblige" should be accorded to attractive young women. One suspects the curriculum included instruction on "droit de seigneur."

David Leonhardt of the New York Times on the good old days "when CEOs cared about America." Elizabeth Warren has a plan to force them to "care" again.

Presidential Election 2020

You can't be fresh-faced if you've got consultants who are running their 25th campaign because they're going to water down your fresh face so badly and try to get you to do things they're comfortable with because they've done it in their 25 other campaigns. -- Garry Mauro, the Texas land commissioner, and friend of both Beto O'Rourke and his father ...

... Alex Seitz-Wald of NBC News: "Rep. Beto O'Rourke may have lost in Texas, but he's winning in Obamaland. Aides to the former president and the man himself say O'Rourke's campaign against Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, gave them flashbacks to Obama's precocious political rise and has positioned the young white congressman as an early if unlikely heir to the first black president's 'hope and change' mantle. Obama said as much at an event in Chicago last week and some of his former political lieutenants have been publicly encouraging O'Rourke to consider a 2020 presidential bid, while privately counseling him on what to expect should he jump in.... 'The reason I was able to make a connection with a sizable portion of the country was because people had a sense that I said what I meant,' Obama told his former strategist David Axelrod last week, adding that O'Rourke has that same quality. 'It felt as if he based his statements and his positions on what he believed. And that, you'd like to think, is normally how things work. Sadly it's not,' Obama added." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: I still like Beto for veep, but then that's the same thing I thought about Obama in 2007.

Natasha Korecki of Politico: "In just a matter of weeks, [Michael] Avenatti's fortunes have taken a nosedive, rapidly downshifting him from 2020 presidential prospect to political pariah." But he still thinks he's going to be the next POTUS. Mrs. McC: The guy needs therapy.

Beyond the Beltway

Florida. Oh, For Pete's Sake. Brittany Wallman of the Sun-Sentinel: "Broward Supervisor of Elections Dr. Brenda Snipes announced Saturday she will fight her suspension by the governor, and rescinded her letter of resignation that preceded it.Gov. Rick Scott suspended Snipes late Friday afternoon, citing 'widespread issues with voting' in Broward County.... The governor Friday replaced Snipes with Republican Peter Antonacci, president and CEO of the state's business-recruitment agency Enterprise Florida. Antonacci has history with Broward elections: He prosecuted the 2004 Senate hearings against Broward's prior elections supervisor, Miriam Oliphant. Oliphant was removed by Republican Gov. Jeb Bush, also for alleged incompetence. Antonacci represented the governor's office.... After the November election, which brought unflattering national attention to her operation, Snipes submitted a letter of resignation that was to take effect Jan. 4, a date that likely would have kept the current governor from selecting her replacement. Scott was elected to the U.S. Senate and will be sworn in on Jan. 3."

Way Beyond

France. Alissa Rubin of the New York Times: "President Emmanuel Macron returned to France on Sunday from a summit meeting in Argentina to find his country in turmoil after a day of violent protests, surveying the destruction for himself even as his government weighed declaring a state of emergency. A third weekend of nationwide protests by the 'Yellow Vests' movement, largely made up of working-class people angry about a planned increase in fuel taxes, left burned cars and smashed store windows in several of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Paris. Broken glass and empty tear gas canisters fired by the police littered Paris, where hundreds of vandals joined the ranks of the protesters. One person died in the unrest this weekend, bringing to three the number of casualties on the margins of the demonstrations over the last three weeks. More than 260 people were wounded nationwide, at least 133 of them in Paris, according to the prefecture of police. Some were bystanders caught in the fray who needed treatment after exposure to tear gas. About 412 people were arrested nationwide. The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, said on Sunday that the government might declare a state of emergency." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Angelique Chrisafis of the Guardian: "The French president, Emmanuel Macron, will hold an emergency meeting of senior ministers on Sunday after central Paris saw its worst unrest in a decade on Saturday. Thousands of masked protesters fought running battles with police, set fire to cars, banks and houses and burned makeshift barricades on the edges of demonstrations against fuel tax rises. On Sunday morning, Paris authorities hired extra trucks to begin removing the carcasses of burnt cars on from the scorched pavements of some of Paris's most expensive streets, amid graffiti calling for Macron to resign. Piles of teargas canisters littered broken pavements in front of rows of shattered shopfronts and smashed windows, as TV channels showed non-stop footage of central Paris in flames during Saturday's events." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Israel. David Halbfinger & Isabel Kershner of the New York Times: "The Israeli police recommended on Sunday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on bribery, fraud and other charges, accusing him of trading regulatory favors for fawning news coverage, in what is potentially the most damaging of a series of corruption cases against him. It was the third time this year that the police have urged that Mr. Netanyahu face criminal prosecution. And it dealt another blow to his teetering governing coalition, which narrowly averted collapse last month and is clinging to a one-vote majority in Parliament while edging closer to calling early elections. Mr. Netanyahu, who ... continues to dominate all potential challengers in opinion polls, now must await the decision of the attorney general, whom he appointed, on whether to indict him in all three cases. That may take months, and Mr. Netanyahu could well win another term as prime minister before he is formally charged...." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)