The Ledes

Monday, September 30, 2024

New York Times: “Kris Kristofferson, the singer and songwriter whose literary yet plain-spoken compositions infused country music with rarely heard candor and depth, and who later had a successful second career in movies, died at his home on Maui, Hawaii, on Saturday. He was 88.”

~~~ The New York Times highlights “twelve essential Kristofferson songs.”

The Wires
powered by Surfing Waves
The Ledes

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Washington Post: “Towns throughout western North Carolina ... were transformed overnight by ... [Hurricane Helene]. Muddy floodwaters lifted homes from their foundations. Landslides and overflowing rivers severed the only way in and out of small mountain communities. Rescuers said they were struggling to respond to the high number of emergency calls.... The death toll grew throughout the Southeast as the scope of Helene’s devastation came into clearer view. At least 49 people had been killed in five states — Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. By early counts, South Carolina suffered the greatest loss of life, registering at least 19 deaths.”


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Thank you to everyone who has been contributing links to articles & other content in the Comments section of each day's "Conversation." If you're missing the comments, you're missing some vital links.

Washington Post: “First came the surprising discovery that Earth’s atmosphere is leaking. But for roughly 60 years, the reason remained a mystery. Since the late 1960s, satellites over the poles detected an extremely fast flow of particles escaping into space — at speeds of 20 kilometers per second. Scientists suspected that gravity and the magnetic field alone could not fully explain the stream. There had to be another source creating this leaky faucet. It turns out the mysterious force is a previously undiscovered global electric field, a recent study found. The field is only about the strength of a watch battery — but it’s enough to thrust lighter ions from our atmosphere into space. It’s also generated unlike other electric fields on Earth. This newly discovered aspect of our planet provides clues about the evolution of our atmosphere, perhaps explaining why Earth is habitable. The electric field is 'an agent of chaos,' said Glyn Collinson, a NASA rocket scientist and lead author of the study. 'It undoes gravity.... Without it, Earth would be very different.'”

The New York Times lists Emmy winners. The AP has an overview story here.

New York Times: “Hvaldimir, a beluga whale who had captured the public’s imagination since 2019 after he was spotted wearing a harness seemingly designed for a camera, was found dead on Saturday in Norway, according to a nonprofit that worked to protect the whale.... [Hvaldimir] was wearing a harness that identified it as “equipment” from St. Petersburg. There also appeared to be a camera mount. Some wondered if the whale was on a Russian reconnaissance mission. Russia has never claimed ownership of the whale. If Hvaldimir was a spy, he was an exceptionally friendly one. The whale showed signs of domestication, and was comfortable around people. He remained in busier waters than are typical for belugas....” ~~~

     ~~~ Marie: Oh, Lord, do not let Bobby Kennedy, Jr., near that carcass. ~~~

     ~~~ AP Update: “There’s no evidence that a well-known beluga whale that lived off Norway’s coast and whose harness ignited speculation it was a Russian spy was shot to death last month as claimed by animal rights groups, Norwegian police said Monday.... Police said that the Norwegian Veterinary Institute conducted a preliminary autopsy on the animal, which was become known as 'Hvaldimir,' combining the Norwegian word for whale — hval — and the first name of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'There are no findings from the autopsy that indicate that Hvaldimir has been shot,' police said in a statement.”

New York Times: Botswana's “President Mokgweetsi Masisi grinned as he lifted the diamond, a 2,492-carat stone that is the biggest diamond unearthed in more than a century and the second-largest ever found, according to the Vancouver-based mining operator Lucara, which owns the mine where it was found. This exceptional discovery could bring back the luster of the natural diamond mining industry, mining companies and experts say. The diamond was discovered in the same relatively small mine in northeastern Botswana that has produced several of the largest such stones in living memory. Such gemstones typically surface as a result of volcanic activity.... The diamond will likely sell in the range of tens of millions of dollars....”

Click on photo to enlarge.

~~~ Guardian: "On a distant reef 16,000km from Paris, surfer Gabriel Medina has given Olympic viewers one of the most memorable images of the Games yet, with an airborne celebration so well poised it looked too good to be true. The Brazilian took off a thundering wave at Teahupo’o in Tahiti on Monday, emerging from a barrelling section before soaring into the air and appearing to settle on a Pacific cloud, pointing to the sky with biblical serenity, his movements mirrored precisely by his surfboard. The shot was taken by Agence France-Presse photographer Jérôme Brouillet, who said “the conditions were perfect, the waves were taller than we expected”. He took the photo while aboard a boat nearby, capturing the surreal image with such accuracy that at first some suspected Photoshop or AI." 

Washington Post: “'Mary Cassatt at Work' is a large and mostly satisfying exhibition devoted to the career of the great American artist beloved for her sensitive and often sentimental views of family life. The 'at work' in the title of the Philadelphia Museum of Art show references the curators’ interest in Cassatt’s pioneering effort to establish herself as a professional artist within a male-dominated field. Throughout the show, which includes some 130 paintings, pastels, prints and drawings, the wall text and the art on view stresses Cassatt’s fixation on art as a career rather than a pastime.... Mary Cassatt at Work is on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art through Sept. 8.

New York Times: “Bob Newhart, who died on Thursday at the age of 94, has been such a beloved giant of popular culture for so long that it’s easy to forget how unlikely it was that he became one of the founding fathers of stand-up comedy. Before basically inventing the hit stand-up special, with the 1960 Grammy-winning album 'The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart' — that doesn’t even count his pay-per-view event broadcast on Canadian television that some cite as the first filmed special — he was a soft-spoken accountant who had never done a set in a nightclub. That he made a classic with so little preparation is one of the great miracles in the history of comedy.... Bob Newhart holds up. In fact, it’s hard to think of a stand-up from that era who is a better argument against the commonplace idea that comedy does not age well.”

Washington Post: “An early Titian masterpiece — once looted by Napolean’s troops and a part of royal collections for centuries — caused a stir when it was stolen from the home of a British marquess in 1995. Seven years later, it was found inside an unassuming white and blue plastic bag at a bus stop in southwest London by an art detective, and returned. This week, the oil painting 'The Rest on the Flight into Egypt' sold for more than $22 million at Christie’s. It was a record for the Renaissance artist, whom museums describe as the greatest painter of 16th-century Venice. Ahead of the sale in April, the auction house billed it as 'the most important work by Titian to come to the auction market in more than a generation.'”

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Constant Comments

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. -- Edward R. Murrow

Publisher & Editor: Marie Burns


The Commentariat -- May 10, 2018

Afternoon Update:

Eileen Sullivan of the New York Times: "President Trump announced on Thursday that his meeting with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, will be held on June 12 in Singapore. The announcement came in a tweet...."

Tony Romm of the Washington Post: "Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday released about 3,400 Facebook ads purchased by Russian agents around the 2016 presidential election on issues from immigration to gun control, a reminder of the complexity of the manipulation that Facebook is trying to contain ahead of the midterm elections. The ads, from mid-2015 to mid-2017, illustrate the extent to which Kremlin-aligned forces sought to stoke social, cultural and political unrest on one of the Web's most powerful platforms. With the help of Facebook's targeting tools, Russia's online army reached at least 146 million people on Facebook and Instagram, its photo-sharing service, with ads and other posts, including events promoting protests around the country." ...

     ... Links to the ads, grouped by date, are here. The Democrats' statement, which is worth reading, is here.

Chris Mooney & Missy Ryan of the Washington Post: "Internal changes to a draft Defense Department report de-emphasized the threats climate change poses to military bases and installations, muting or removing references to climate-driven changes in the Arctic and potential risks from rising seas, an unpublished draft obtained by The Washington Post reveals. The earlier version of the document, dated December 2016, contains numerous references to 'climate change' that were omitted or altered to 'extreme weather' or simply 'climate' in the final report, which was submitted to Congress in January 2018. While the phrase 'climate change' appears 23 separate times in the draft report, the final version used it just once." Mrs. McC: Reminds me of a two-year-old who covers her eyes & says, "You can't see me."

Margaret Hartmann writes a very good summary of the Cohen slush fund scam -- on what we know so far.

Eli Okun of Politico: "Former Vice President Dick Cheney said the U.S. should restart its enhanced interrogation techniques -- often considered torture -- after the issue was thrust to the forefront during Gina Haspel's confirmation fight to become CIA director. 'If it were my call, I would not discontinue those programs,' he said in an interview that aired Thursday morning on Fox Business. 'I'd have them active and ready to go, and I'd go back and study them and learn.'" ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: As David Smith of the Guardian noted, during his Senate confirmation hearing, Haspel said she didn't believe Trump would ask her to waterboard prisoners. "This prompted scornful laughter from the public gallery. During his presidential election campaign, Trump vowed to authorise waterboarding and 'a hell of a lot worse'." Darth Vader there reminds us that Trump is hardly isolated in his preference for torture. Haspel's "it won't be a problem" assertion is either naive (I doubt that) or an admission that all she needs is a green light to go back into full-torture mode.

Naked Politics. Rebecca Morin of Politico: "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Thursday encouraged Supreme Court justices flirting with retirement to immediately step down, saying he would like to push through a nominee before the midterm elections."

Brad Reed of the Raw Story: "In a new excerpt of Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) memoir published in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, the senator reveals how he got his hands on the now-infamous Steele dossier that claimed ... Donald Trump has been completely compromised by the Russian government. According to McCain, it was a retired British diplomat -- former U.K. ambassador to Russia Andrew Wood -- who gave him a copy of Steele's dossier.... Later in the excerpt, McCain explains how Putin's election meddling to help Trump win fits in with his broader strategy of undermining Western democracy." McCain gave the dossier to Jim Comey (Mrs. McC: who already had a copy which he received from Christopher Steele).


Katie Rogers of the New York Times: "Three American prisoners freed from North Korea arrived [at Andrews AFB] early Thursday to a personal welcome from President Trump, who traveled to an air base in the middle of the night to meet them. Waving their hands and flashing peace signs, the freed prisoners -- Kim Dong-chul, Tony Kim and Kim Hak-song -- descended the stairs of their plane, flanked by the president and senior administration officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who had flown to Pyongyang, the North’s capital, to secure their release.... 'We want to thank Kim Jong-un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people[,' Trump said.... Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen Pence, Mr. Pompeo and the first lady, Melania Trump, were among those who traveled to the base to welcome the three men."

Peter Baker & Choe Sang-Hun of the New York Times: "Three American prisoners freed by North Korea were flying back to the United States on Wednesday, heading toward an air base where President Trump planned to personally welcome them home as he celebrates a diplomatic breakthrough in advance of nuclear talks. The three prisoners, all American citizens of Korean descent, were described as healthy and able to walk on their own after months of imprisonment by one of the world's most repressive governments. They were scheduled to land at 2 a.m. Thursday at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, where Mr. Trump intended to greet them." ...

... Choe Sang-Hun: "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo extended an olive branch to senior North Korean officials on Wednesday: 'All the opportunities your people so richly deserve' in exchange for the shutting down of the North's nuclear weapons program. 'For decades, we have been adversaries,' Mr. Pompeo said in a toast during a lunch in honor of his visit to Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. 'Now we are hopeful that we can work together to resolve this conflict, take away threats to the world and make your country have all the opportunities your people so richly deserve.' Mr. Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on Wednesday on a mission to smooth any remaining wrinkles in the weekslong preparations for a planned summit meeting between North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, and President Trump, according to pool reports by journalists traveling with Mr. Pompeo."

Europeans Try to Mop up after Trump. Patrick Wintour & Julian Borger of the Guardian: "The European Union is scrambling to arrange a crisis meeting with Iran after Donald Trump pulled out of the nuclear agreement, as the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani said Europe had a 'very limited opportunity' to save the deal. A day after the US president broke with the landmark 2015 agreement and warned he would seek to hit European businesses that continued to trade with Tehran, the EU vowed to take steps to immunise firms from any US sanctions."

This Russia Thing, Etc., Ctd.

"He Was Good on It." Brian Bennett of Time: "President Trump told his lawyers on Tuesday night he didn't know about payments made to his personal attorney by a Russian oligarch and businesses lobbying the federal government.... 'I don't know anything about it,' Trump told his lawyers, according [to Rudy] Guiliani's recollection of [a] phone call [with Trump & attorney Jay Sekulow].... 'He was good on it,' Guiliani said. 'Nobody's concerned about it. It doesn't involve us....' ... Asked if the President directed Cohen to accept payments from companies like Novartis and AT&T, Guiliani said, 'I have no idea. I doubt it.'" ...

... M.J. Lee, et al., of CNN: "According to multiple people familiar with [Michael] Cohen's conduct following the election, he aggressively pitched himself to potential clients, reminding them of his proximity to the most powerful man in the world. Those efforts landed Cohen lucrative consulting deals. New reporting this week revealed that in the months following the 2016 election, Cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars from powerful entities based in and outside of the United States. 'I don't know who's been representing you, but you should fire them all. I'm the guy you should hire. I'm closest to the President. I'm his personal lawyer,' was how one GOP strategist described Cohen's sales pitch.... White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wouldn't address the Cohen payments during a briefing with reporters Wednesday." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: Matt Miller -- a genteel, cautious commentator for MSNBC -- could not help but compare Cohen to a "Sopranos" goombah shaking down shopkeepers (like AT&T) for protection money. And Miller didn't mind noting that the wiseguys take their cuts, but the bulk of their collections are kicked up to the capo. ...

... Michael Kranish, et al., of the Washington Post: "One of Cohen's highest-paying ventures was with Squire Patton Boggs, the lobbying firm that boasts former Senate majority leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and former senator John Breaux (D-La.) as counsel. Squire Patton Boggs was unprepared for a Trump presidency, according to a person familiar with the matter. Hiring Cohen for $500,000 was 'a no-brainer,' said a person at the firm familiar with the contract. 'The perception of having the president's personal lawyer' working with the firm was helpful 'from an optics perspective' with the administration.... The firm says its initial plan that Cohen would jointly represent clients did not pan out."

.... Mrs. McCrabbie: If you are confused by the changing stories of the "work" Cohen did for Novartis, AT&T & Korea Aerospace Industries, that's because, well, their stories keep changing. Since Novartis & AT&T have known for six months that their payments to Cohen were subjects of Mueller's investigation, you might think the PR geniuses at those major corporations would have been ready with plausible explanations when the press inevitably came calling. They were not. ...

... Tracy Connor, et al., of NBC News: "... Michael Cohen contacted the drug giant Novartis after the 2016 election 'promising access' to the new administration, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller later requested information from the company about the offer, a senior official inside Novartis told NBC News on Wednesday.... [After Cohen promised Novartis access,] Novartis then signed a one-year, $1.2 million contract with Cohen.... AT&T sent an email to its employees on Wednesday with details about its dealings with Cohen. 'In early 2017, as President Trump was taking office, we hired several consultants to help us understand how the President and his administration might approach a wide range of policy issues important to the company...," said the email.... Getting into a cab in Manhattan on Wednesday morning, Cohen told reporters that [Michael] Avenatti's report 'is inaccurate.' Later, his attorney filed a complaint letter with a federal judge that did not dispute the payments from Columbus, Novartis, AT&T and KAI but said smaller transactions that were lusted [sic.] by Avenatti were actually tied to different people named Michael Cohen...." ...

... Michael Kranish & Carolyn Johnson of the Washington Post: "Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's team sought information last November from Novartis, a major pharmaceutical company that paid a company created by President Trump's lawyer, the drug company said Wednesday. The interest by Mueller, who is investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election, indicates that the special counsel is scrutinizing clients that paid Michael Cohen while he served as Trump's personal attorney...." Novartis offered a really flimsy excuse for paying Cohen, cited in the WashPo report & in the CNBC report below. "Separately, Korean Aerospace Industries confirmed to The Washington Post that it paid $150,000 to Cohen's company, but spokesman Oh Sung-keon said that it was not aware of its connection to Trump. The company said [Mrs. McC: hilariously] that it paid Cohen's firm 'to inform reorganization of our internal accounting system.' The company is in contention for a multibillion joint U.S. contract with Lockheed Martin for jet trainers. Lockheed said Wednesday it was not aware of any connection between Korea Aerospace and Cohen." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Dan Mangan of CNBC: "Drug giant Novartis paid ... Michael Cohen more than $1 million for health-care policy consulting work that he actually ended up being 'unable' to do, the company said Wednesday.... Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen's shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president. Novartis said it believed Cohen 'could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.' But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward 'determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.'... 'As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,' Novartis said. That means that Cohen was paid up to $1.2 million for his work. Novartis did not immediately disclose the total amount paid." (The WashPo story cites a shorter time period over which Cohen was paid, concluding that Novartis paid Cohen about $400K.) (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed: "In its statement, Novartis [said], "... the engagement of Essential Consultants predated Vas Narasimhan becoming Novartis CEO. Dr. Narasimhan had no involvement whatsoever with this arrangement.' Narasimhan took over as CEO of Novartis in February.... Narasimhan was among other executives who had dinner with Trump when the president attended Davos earlier this year. A Novartis spokesperson told BuzzFeed News the dinner was 'organized by the Swiss government.'... AT&T, another company that has acknowledged paying Cohen's company, also acknowledged Wednesday evening that it, too, was contacted in late 2017 by the special counsel's office and that it, too, 'cooperated fully.'... Another company that paid Cohen was Columbus Nova LLC, an investment firm run by Andrew Intrater that is linked to Renova Group, a company owned by [Intrater's cousin] Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg.... Intrater's biography -- which had been available online on Tuesday evening, according to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine -- was not available Wednesday. In the now-removed biography, it described Columbus Nova as 'the US investment vehicle for the Renova Group' and noted that Intrater 'is a former Director and current Member of the Executive Board of Renova Group.'" ...

... Kevin Drum: "Why would anyone think that Donald Trump's famously obnoxious bagman and fixer had any expertise in US health care policy? Answer: No one does. Why would Novartis hold one meeting and then pay Cohen $1.2 million anyway? Answer: As a bribe, more or less.... You take a look at what Trump does to companies he's annoyed with -- Comcast, Boeing, Amazon, etc. -- and who needs the grief? Just hire the insider dude for 'consulting' and be done with it. Just praise Trump and move on. It's what companies do in banana republics around the world, and America is lately little more than a really big banana republic."

... It Was Just a "Coincidence." Justin Elliott of ProPublica: "The news on Tuesday that the same shell company that Michael Cohen ... had used to pay $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels had also received about $500,000 in 2017 from [Columbus Nova --] a firm linked to a Russian oligarch [--] set off a frenzy of commentary on Twitter and cable TV.... Another longtime Trump personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, also represented Columbus Nova in recent years in a commercial case. A spokesman for Kasowitz said the case settled in early 2017. As ProPublica reported last year, Cohen spent a short period in February 2017 working at the offices of Kasowitz Benson Torres..., alarming several lawyers at the firm who worried about the brash attorney's reputation. That was at the beginning of the period, between January and August 2017, when Columbus Nova made its payments to Cohen.... [A spokesman for Columbus Nova] said ... it was a coincidence that the firm had used two lawyers who also represent Trump." ...

... Adam Davidson of the New Yorker: "Columbus Nova, which is based in New York City..., is a company technically owned by others but which looks after money owned and controlled in large part -- if not entirely -- by Vekselberg and his family.... It's the kind of clever corporate structure that allows a lawyer, at a crisis moment such as this, to say truthfully that the company is not owned and controlled by the man who owns and controls everything of value within the firm." ...

... Eli Rosenberg of the Washington Post: "A company at the center of widening questions involving ... Michael Cohen is listed as the organization behind a string of websites targeted toward white nationalists and other members of the alt-right. Columbus Nova, a company whose U.S. chief executive, Andrew Intrater, and Russian investment partner Viktor Vekselberg have both reportedly been interviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III&'s team, is listed as the registrant behind a handful of domains for websites named after the alt-right that were created during the 2016 election. It is unclear if any of these websites were launched or ever hosted content.... These sites ... were all registered in the two days following a speech given by then candidate Hillary Clinton in August 2016 in which she excoriated the far-right movement known for its extremist, racist, anti-Semitic and sexist viewpoints. The sites are not currently operational.... Intrater's brother, Frederick, a design manager at Columbus Nova, is named along with the company on the registration databases for the websites.... [A] spokesman [for Columbus Nova] said that Columbus Nova was not aware that the sites had been registered before Wednesday."

... Watergate Lives! Frank Rich: Michael Avenatti "has unveiled an example of collusion so flagrant that it made Trump and Rudy Giuliani suddenly go mute: a Putin crony's cash turns out to be an essential component of the racketeering scheme used to silence Stormy Daniels and thus clear Trump's path to the White House in the final stretch of the 2016 election. Like the Nixon campaign slush fund that Woodward and Bernstein uncovered, this money trail also implicates corporate players hoping to curry favor with a corrupt president.... Both the Nixon and Trump slush funds were initially set up to illegally manipulate an American presidential election, hush money included. But the Watergate burglars' dirty tricks, criminal as they were, were homegrown. Even Nixon would have drawn the line at colluding with Russians -- or, in those days, the Soviets -- to sabotage the Democrats." ...

     ... On That Same Note. Martin Longman in the Washington Monthly: "Routine denials aside, Viktor Vekselberg is very close to Vladimir Putin and he put a half a million dollars in Michael Cohen's slush fund where it was commingled with money used to silence women who had information that would be damaging to the president. I can hardly think of a less prudent thing to do than to take money from the Kremlin, but to take it and put it into the same account as the one used to cover up the president's affairs is reminiscent of paying the Watergate burglars with a cashier's check in the name of an RNC finance chairman [Ken Dahlberg]. It looks like Trump is destined to repeat all of Nixon's mistakes, and to meet the same fate." Mrs. McC: A short, fun read that draws a specific parallel between CREEP carelessness & what is probably Michael Cohen's SOP. You can bet forensic accountants on Bob Mueller's staff figured out many of Cohen's crooked stunts in next to no time. I would be shocked if the entities Michael Avenatti found had been filling Cohen's coffers were the only ones that had sought Cohen's "consulting" services. And I would be just as shocked if Cohen bagged the millions he got from these entities & didn't share with the boss.

Beth Reinhard & Emma Brown of the Washington Post: "The Treasury Department's inspector general is investigating whether confidential banking information related to a company controlled by ... Michael Cohen may have been leaked, a spokesman said. Rich Delmar, counsel to the inspector general, said that in response to media reports the office is 'inquiring into allegations' that Suspicious Activity Reports on Cohen's banking transactions were 'improperly disseminated.'... In an interview, [Michael] Avenatti [-- who initially released information about some of the payments to Cohen's LLC --] declined to reveal the source of his information. 'The source or sources of our information is our work product, and nobody's business,' Avenatti said. 'They can investigate all they want, but what they should be doing is releasing to the American public the three Suspicious Activity Reports filed on Michael Cohen's account. Why are they hiding this information?'... Avenatti has been calling on the Treasury Department for weeks to release reports of unusual banking transactions by Cohen. He came up with a social media hashtag: #releasetheSAR, using the acronym for a Suspicious Activity Report.... It is not uncommon for journalists, lawyers and others in the public eye to receive unauthorized leaks of sensitive information, and there is nothing improper in receiving such information." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.)

Betsy Woodruff of the Daily Beast: "Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has spoken with Blackwater founder Erik Prince, two sources familiar with the matter tell The Daily Beast.... Prince attended a now-controversial meeting with the head of Russia's sovereign wealth fund in the Seychelles Islands on Jan. 11, 2017 -- just over a week before Inauguration Day. The Washington Post reported that Mueller is interested in potential efforts at the Seychelles meeting to set up a backchannel between the Trump administration and the Kremlin."

Josh Gerstein of Politico: "A Russian company tied to a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin entered a not-guilty plea Wednesday in a U.S. criminal case charging that it funded internet trolls and polarizing social media advertisements in a bid to boost Donald Trump's chances of winning the 2016 presidential election. Prosecutors from special counsel Robert Mueller's office allege that the firm, Concord Management and Consulting LLC, was controlled by a Russian oligarch known as Putin's chef, Yevgeniy Prigozhin. He is one of the 13 individuals charged in the case."

Devlin Barrett & Kevin Leonnig of the Washington Post: "A subpoena that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) issued to the Justice Department last week made a broad request for all documents about an individual who people close to the matter say is a sensitive, longtime intelligence source for the CIA and FBI. The Justice Department has refused to provide the documents. Intelligence officials say the material could jeopardize the source.... The subpoena ... demands 'all documents referring or related to the individual referenced in Chairman Nunes' April 24, 2018 classified letter to Attorney General Sessions.' That is the only material the subpoena seeks. In an interview Wednesday, Nunes maintained that he was 'not interested in any individual.'... Senior intelligence officials alarmed by Nunes's subpoena warned White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly last week that the information being sought could not be turned over because it could do serious damage to intelligence-sharing relationships with other countries.... Kelly and President Trump sided with the Justice Department.... Partly as a result of [renewed] discussions [Tuesday], the Justice Department has invited Nunes to a classified meeting Thursday in the hopes of resolving the impasse...." ...

... Kevin Drum: "Nunes ... is so obsessed with covering for Donald Trump that ... if that means pretending that the FBI, CIA, NSA, and every other federal agency is corrupt, so be it. If it means leaking information that could get people killed, that's probably OK too. And Paul Ryan is perfectly fine with this. Welcome to the Republican Party in 2018."

Benjamin Siegel & Matthew Mosk of ABC News: "Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have received new materials from the estate of Peter Smith, a GOP operative who reportedly led a campaign to obtain missing Hillary Clinton emails from Russian hackers during the 2016 presidential race, sources familiar with the materials production tell ABC News.... Smith's records are of interest to congressional investigators continuing to probe potential contacts between the Trump campaign - and those within the campaign's orbit - and Russia.... The acquisition of documents from Smith's estate is the latest indication that Democrats are continuing their investigation after Republicans released a report that found no evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump campaign but criticized the intelligence community and actions taken by Trump associates."

Leo Shane of the Military Times: "Speaking to a crowd of military spouses on Wednesday..., Donald Trump incorrectly claimed that his administration gave service members their first pay raise in 10 years, a moment he was 'proud' to oversee. In fact, troops have seen a pay raise of at least 1 percent every year for more than 30 years. The 2018 military pay raise -- which was 2.4 percent -- was the largest for the armed forces in eight years."

Matthew Rosenberg & Nicholas Fandos
of the New York Times: "Gina Haspel, President Trump's nominee to the lead the Central Intelligence Agency, defended the agency's torture of terrorism suspects as her confirmation hearing on Wednesday served as another reckoning of the extraordinary measures the government employed in the frantic hunt for the Sept. 11 conspirators. Ms. Haspel, a 33-year C.I.A. veteran who oversaw a secret prison in Thailand in 2002 while a Qaeda suspect was waterboarded there, said that she and other spies were working within the law. Though the C.I.A. should never resume that type of work, she said, its officers should also not be judged for doing it." ...

... David Smith of the Guardian: "Donald Trump's choice for head of the Central Intelligence Agency struggled on Wednesday to tell US senators how she would respond if the president asked her to reintroduce the waterboarding of terrorist suspects. Gina Haspel, grilled about her time running a covert detention site where suspects were brutally interrogated during George W Bush's 'war on terror', failed to explicitly condemn such techniques as immoral. Twice the hearing on Capitol Hill was interrupted by protesters, one of whom yelled: 'Bloody Gina! You are a torturer,' before being dragged out by police. Senator Susan Collins, a Republican, asked what Haspel would do as head of the CIA if Trump ordered waterboarding -- which simulates drowning -- on a high-value suspect. 'Senator, I would advise,' she began, then restarted her answer: 'I do not believe the president would ask me to do that.' This prompted scornful laughter from the public gallery. During his presidential election campaign, Trump vowed to authorise waterboarding and 'a hell of a lot worse'." Asked again by Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) to answer the question, Haspel again deflected. ...

... Eli Okun of Politico: "CIA director nominee Gina Haspel tangled with Democrats at a crucial confirmation hearing Wednesday, where she came under fire for her involvement with the harsh interrogation methods of the George W. Bush era. But Haspel defended her moral compass before the Senate Intelligence Committee and promised not to restart the CIA's controversial interrogation program.... Here are some key moments from the confirmation hearing: Haspel vowed not to push the CIA to act in ways she considered immoral -- even if the president ordered it.... Haspel pledged she would not restart the harsh interrogation program.... Haspel said torture doesn't work -- but hedged on whether 'enhanced interrogation' methods worked after the Sept. 11 attacks.... Haspel defended her role in the destruction of tapes of waterboarding, a technique considered torture that Congress later outlawed.... Haspel refused to say whether she ever called for the interrogation program to be continued." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... Jacqueline Thomsen & Brett Samuels of the Hill: "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) came out against Gina Haspel, President Trump's nominee to be CIA director, on Wednesday...." ...

... Dana Milbank: "As I sat in the hearing room watching Gina Haspel's confirmation hearing..., I felt an overwhelming sense of relief ... that Tom Cotton wasn't nominated to run the CIA. Cotton ... had been the front-runner for the position.... Haspel's flaws are nothing compared with those of Cotton, who has surpassed Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) as the most disliked member of the Senate. He used his five minutes of questioning time to 'clear up' and to 'take exception to' the 'entirely false' things his colleagues said, peppering his remarks with gratuitous partisan swipes.... Colleagues and staff on the Hill report that he can be as nasty privately as he is publicly, as uncivil to Republicans as he is to Democrats."

Glenn Thrush & Stacy Cowley of the New York Times: "Mick Mulvaney, the interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will move the agency's student loan division into the bureau's consumer information unit, a shift that career officials fear will sidetrack a major enforcement case the agency is pursuing against Navient, the nation's largest student loan collector. The change, outlined in an email sent to the bureau's staff Wednesday morning, is part of an effort by Mr. Mulvaney to refocus the agency away from its consumer finance enforcement and rule-writing mission and more toward providing consumers with information about their legal rights.... Among the bureau's career staff, the shift was regarded as a new attack on one of the bureau's core statutory functions, and another attempt by Mr. Mulvaney and his team to dismantle a consumer watchdog reviled by President Trump."

"Diplomacy," Trump-Style. Rick Noack of the Washington Post: "For the past year, German officials have been urging their U.S. counterparts to send a new ambassador to Berlin. But ... within hours of assuming his new post on Tuesday, [Amb.] Richard Grenell triggered harsh criticism in this Trump-weary country after appearing to threaten one of the American president's frequent targets: German businesses. In a tweet following President Trump's announcement to leave the Iran nuclear deal, Grenell wrote that 'German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations immediately.'... The remarks, which were widely perceived as a threat here, came only an hour after the U.S. Embassy in Berlin took to Twitter to announce that Grenell had officially arrived in the German capital.... Business associations and leading European politicians immediately lashed out at him...." (Also linked yesterday.)

Mike DeBonis of the Washington Post: "A small group of Republicans has launched an effort to sidestep House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and put immigration legislation on the House floor this year in a bid to secure protections for young undocumented immigrants. Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) filed a discharge petition Wednesday morning that, if signed by a majority of House members, would force votes on immigration bills under a so-called 'queen of the hill' rule. Whichever of those bills receives the most votes, exceeding a majority, would pass the House -- a setup that is calibrated to secure passage of a bipartisan compromise. By Wednesday afternoon, 16 more Republicans had also signed the discharge petition alongside Curbelo. Most, but not all, represent swing districts with significant Latino constituencies or are retiring from the House."

Rachel Bade & Heather Caygle of Politico: "Two lawmakers on Tuesday evening erupted into a shouting match on the House floor over Speaker Paul Ryan's firing -- and then reinstatement -- of the House chaplain, reigniting a contentious religious fight the Wisconsin Republican hoped would fade. No. 4 House Democrat Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), who is Catholic, and Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) got up in each other's faces on the House floor and squabbled over the merits of a special investigation into the dismissal.... The confrontation started after Crowley offered a privilege resolution to establish a select committee to investigate Conroy's forced resignation.... The two men bickered as their faces turned red. Crowley gestured his thumb to the GOP side of the chamber, telling MacArthur to get back to the Republican side of the chamber. MacArthur wouldn't move. Eventually House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) came over to try to calm both men.... MacArthur, who is Episcopalian, said he was offended by Crowley's actions." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: MacArthur should listen to the sermon more often. Episcopalians agree with the prayers Father Patrick Conroy offered which so offended some House Republicans. "Real Episcopalians" are pretty liberal, if sometimes in a noblesse-oblige manner. Religion is a great way to civilize the unruly, isn't it?

Congressional Races

Jake Sherman & Alex Isenstadt of Politico: "Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has cut a $30 million check to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund, a massive cash infusion that top Republicans hope will alter the party's electoral outlook six months before Election Day. The long-sought donation was sealed last week when, according to two senior Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan flew to Las Vegas to meet with the billionaire at his Venetian Hotel."

Charlie Mahtesian in Politico Magazine: "During an election season when the House seems to be a lost cause for Republicans and nearly every indicator suggests massive Democratic gains in November, the outlook for wresting the Senate away from the GOP remains grim.... It's hard to overstate the degree of difficulty in flipping the Senate this year. As Nate Silver has noted, it's possible that Democrats are confronting the worst Senate map ever -- as in, since direct Senate elections began in 1914."

Alex Isenstadt: "... Donald Trump connected by phone on Wednesday with Don Blankenship, the former coal baron and ex-con whose Senate candidacy he helped sink. Trump and Blankenship spoke briefly, according to three people familiar with the discussion. The conversation was described as straightforward, polite and cordial, with the president calling to exchange pleasantries and offer his congratulations on waging the campaign." ...

     ... Mrs. McC: Blankenship had threatened to run as a third-party candidate if he lost the primary, but as Ella Nilsen of Vox explained, "West Virginia has a 'sore loser' or 'sour grapes' law. Candidates 'affiliated with a recognized political party who run for election in a primary election' and lose the nomination cannot turn around, register as a minor-party candidate, and run again in the general election." Anyway, if Blankenship thinks Trump was sporting to call him, he should bear in mind that neither he nor Trump is sporting. Trump just wanted to make sure Blankenship wouldn't cause trouble for the primary's winner, Patrick Morrisey.

Christine Hauser of the New York Times: "The Mormon Church and the Boy Scouts of America are ending their partnership after 105 years as the church's worldwide membership grows and it develops youth programs that are more aligned with its own teachings. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Tuesday that it would end Boy Scouts programs for church members. The decision, which it said was made jointly with the Boy Scouts, will take effect at the end of next year.... The announcement takes a change made last year one step further. In May 2017, the church said that it would partly end its participation in Boy Scout programs for youths between the ages of 14 and 18, but that it would allow members ages 8 through 13 to continue to participate.... In recent years, the Boy Scouts of America have expanded rights for gay people. It ended its ban on openly gay youths participating in its activities in 2013, and ended its ban on openly gay adult leaders two years later. In 2017, the group reversed its stance of more than a century by deciding to accept members based on the gender listed on their application, a decision that paved the way for transgender boys to join."

Way Beyond the Beltway

So Far, Trump's Iran Move Is Going Very Well. Oliver Holmes of the Guardian: "Arch-enemies Iran and Israel edged closer to all-out war on Thursday after Israel's military said its positions in the Golan Heights were fired at with a barrage of Iranian rockets, prompting it to respond with extensive strikes targeting Tehran's forces across Syria. The attack, if confirmed, would mark the first time Iran has fired rockets in a direct strike on Israeli forces, dramatically ratcheting up what has for years been a conflict fought through proxies.... The occupied Golan Heights has been on high alert since Donald Trump confirmed he was pulling the US out of the Iran nuclear deal."

News Lede

New York Times: "Five senior Islamic State officials have been captured, including a top aide to the group's leader, in a complex cross-border sting carried out by Iraqi and American intelligence, two Iraqi officials said Wednesday. The three-month operation, which tracked a group of senior Islamic State leaders who had been hiding in Syria and Turkey, represents a significant intelligence victory for the American-led coalition fighting the extremist group and underscores the strengthening relationship between Washington and Baghdad."


The Commentariat -- May 9, 2018

Afternoon Update:

Matthew Rosenberg, et al., of the New York Times are sort of live-blogging Gina Haspel's Senate testimony. ...

... Eli Okun of Politico: "CIA director nominee Gina Haspel tangled with Democrats at a crucial confirmation hearing Wednesday, where she came under fire for her involvement with the harsh interrogation methods of the George W. Bush era. But Haspel defended her moral compass before the Senate Intelligence Committee and promised not to restart the CIA's controversial interrogation program.... Here are some key moments from the confirmation hearing: Haspel vowed not to push the CIA to act in ways she considered immoral -- even if the president ordered it.... Haspel pledged she would not restart the harsh interrogation program.... Haspel said torture doesn't work -- but hedged on whether 'enhanced interrogation' methods worked after the Sept. 11 attacks.... Haspel defended her role in the destruction of tapes of waterboarding, a technique considered torture that Congress later outlawed.... Haspel refused to say whether she ever called for the interrogation program to be continued."

Beth Reinhard & Emma Brown of the Washington Post: "The Treasury Department's inspector general is investigating whether confidential banking information related to a company controlled by President Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen may have been leaked, a spokesman said. Rich Delmar, counsel to the inspector general, said that in response to media reports the office is 'inquiring into allegations' that Suspicious Activity Reports on Cohen's banking transactions were 'improperly disseminated.'... In an interview, [Michael] Avenatti [-- who initially released information about some of the payments to Cohen's LLC --] declined to reveal the source of his information. 'The source or sources of our information is our work product, and nobody' business,' Avenatti said. 'They can investigate all they want, but what they should be doing is releasing to the American public the three Suspicious Activity Reports filed on Michael Cohen's account. Why are they hiding this information?' A fixture on cable television, Avenatti has been calling on the Treasury Department for weeks to release reports of unusual banking transactions by Cohen. He came up with a social media hashtag: #releasetheSAR, using the acronym for a Suspicious Activity Report.... It is not uncommon for journalists, lawyers and others in the public eye to receive unauthorized leaks of sensitive information, and there is nothing improper in receiving such information."

Michael Kranish & Carolyn Johnson of the Washington Post: "Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's team sought information last November from Novartis, a major pharmaceutical company that paid a company created by President Trump's lawyer, the drug company said Wednesday. The interest by Mueller, who is investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 election, indicates that the special counsel is scrutinizing clients that paid Michael Cohen while he served as Trump's personal attorney...." Novartis offered a really flimsy excuse for paying Cohen, cited in the WashPo report & in the CNBC report below. "Separately, Korean Aerospace Industries confirmed to The Washington Post that it paid $150,000 to Cohen's company, but spokesman Oh Sung-keon said that it was not aware of its connection to Trump. The company said [Mrs. McC: hilariously] that it paid Cohen's firm 'to inform reorganization of our internal accounting system.' The company is in contention for a multibillion joint U.S. contract with Lockheed Martin for jet trainers. Lockheed said Wednesday it was not aware of any connection between Korea Aerospace and Cohen." ...

... Dan Mangan of CNBC: "Drug giant Novartis paid ... Michael Cohen more than $1 million for health-care policy consulting work that he actually ended up being 'unable' to do, the company said Wednesday.... Novartis said it signed a one-year contract with Cohen's shell company, Essential Consultants, for $100,000 per month in February 2017, shortly after Trump was inaugurated as president. Novartis said it believed Cohen 'could advise the company as to how the Trump administration might approach certain U.S. health-care policy matters, including the Affordable Care Act.' But just a month after signing the deal, Novartis executives had their first meeting with Cohen, and afterward 'determined that Michael Cohen and Essentials Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated.'... 'As the contract, unfortunately, could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018,' Novartis said. That means that Cohen was paid up to $1.2 million for his work. Novartis did not immediately disclose the total amount paid." (The WashPo story cites a shorter time period over which Cohen was paid, concluding that Novartis paid Cohen about $400K.)

"Diplomacy," Trump-Style. Rick Noack of the Washington Post: "For the past year, German officials have been urging their U.S. counterparts to send a new ambassador to Berlin. But ... within hours of assuming his new post on Tuesday, [Amb.] Richard Grenell triggered harsh criticism in this Trump-weary country after appearing to threaten one of the American president's frequent targets: German businesses. In a tweet following President Trump's announcement to leave the Iran nuclear deal, Grenell wrote that 'German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations immediately.'... The remarks, which were widely perceived as a threat here, came only an hour after the U.S. Embassy in Berlin took to Twitter to announce that Grenell had officially arrived in the German capital.... Business associations and leading European politicians immediately lashed out at him...."

Rachel Bade & Heather Caygle of Politico: "Two lawmakers on Tuesday evening erupted into a shouting match on the House floor over Speaker Paul Ryan's firing -- and then reinstatement -- of the House chaplain, reigniting a contentious religious fight the Wisconsin Republican hoped would fade. No. 4 House Democrat Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), who is Catholic, and Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.) got up in each other's faces on the House floor and squabbled over the merits of a special investigation into the dismissal.... The confrontation started after Crowley offered a privilege resolution to establish a select committee to investigate Conroy's forced resignation.... The two men bickered as their faces turned red. Crowley gestured his thumb to the GOP side of the chamber, telling MacArthur to get back to the Republican side of the chamber. MacArthur wouldn't move. Eventually House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) came over to try to calm both men.... MacArthur, who is Episcopalian, said he was offended by Crowley's actions." ...

     ... Mrs. McCrabbie: MacArthur should listen to the sermon more often. Episcopalians agree with the prayers Father Patrick Conroy offered which so offended some House Republicans. "Real Episcopalians" are pretty liberal, if in a noblesse-oblige manner. Anyhow, religion is a great way to civilize the unruly, isn't it?


NEW. Choe Sang-Hun of the New York Times: "President Trump declared a diplomatic victory on Wednesday by announcing that North Korea had freed three American prisoners, removing a bitter and emotional obstacle ahead of a planned meeting between him and the young leader of the nuclear-armed nation. The release of the three prisoners, all American citizens of Korean descent, was in some ways the most tangible gesture of sincerity shown by North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, to improve relations with the United States after nearly seven decades of mutual antagonism. Mr. Trump said in a tweet that the three were freed following a visit to North Korea by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was in Pyongyang, the North's capital, for more discussions with North Korean officials about the expected meeting between Mr. Kim and Mr. Trump."

The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake). Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials? -- Donald Trump, in a tweet this morning ...

... NEW. John Wagner of the Washington Post: "President Trump on Wednesday raised the prospect of taking away credentials from news media outlets that he believes are reporting negatively on his administration.... In his tweet, Trump referred to a study that found 91 percent of network news stories about him are negative. Shortly before, the anchors on 'Fox & Friends' on Fox News discussed a study by the Media Research Center study citing that figure after evaluating the nightly newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC between January and April." ...

     ... Philip Bump of the Washington Post: "The Media Research Center, we'll note, is part of the conglomerate of conservative enterprises funded by Robert Mercer and his family, the folks that also funded Cambridge Analytica, Breitbart and former White House adviser Steve Bannon."

Mark Landler of the New York Times: ""President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and isolating the United States among its Western allies. 'This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made,' Mr. Trump said at the White House in announcing his decision. 'It didn't bring calm, it didn't bring peace, and it never will.' Mr. Trump's announcement, while long anticipated and widely telegraphed, plunges America's relations with European allies into deep uncertainty. They have committed to staying in the deal, raising the prospect of a diplomatic and economic clash as the United States reimposes stringent sanctions on Iran. It also raises the prospect of increasing tensions with Russia and China, which also are parties to the agreement." (Also linked yesterday afternoon.) ...

... David Sanger of the New York Times: "Mr. Trump and his Middle East allies [-- Israel and Saudi Arabia --] are betting they can cut Iran's economic lifeline and thus 'break the regime,' as one senior European official described the effort. In theory, America's withdrawal could free Iran to produce as much nuclear material as it wants -- as it was five years ago, when the world feared it was headed toward a bomb. But Mr. Trump's team dismisses that risk.... It is a brutally realpolitik approach that America's allies in Europe have warned is a historic mistake, one that could lead to confrontation and perhaps to war. And it is a clear example of Middle East brinkmanship that runs counter to what President Barack Obama intended when the nuclear deal was struck in July 2015.... Now, suddenly, the world may well be headed back to where it was in 2012: On a road to uncertain confrontation, with 'very little evidence of a Plan B,' as Boris Johnson, the British foreign minister, said on a visit to Washington." ...

... Aaron Rupar of ThinkProgress: "Trump was asked the most basic question about his Iran deal decision. He had no answer. After publicly signing a memorandum to violate the Iran nuclear deal by reinstating the 'highest levels' of U.S. sanctions against the country..., [a reporters asked,] 'Mr. President, how does this America safer?' she said.... Trump gathered his thoughts for a moment, then just restated the question in the form of an assertion. 'This will make America much safer,' he said, before getting up for the table...." ...

     ... Mrs. Bea McCrabbie: Obviously, then, "making America safer" was not among Trump's objectives in scuttling the Iran deal. So what were they? Well (1) whacking another Obama accomplishment; (2) trying to make himself look tough & mean; (3) fulfilling an ignorant campaign promise; (4) giving righty-right Republicans a boost in November; (5) changing the subject from Russia/Stormy Daniels; (6) currying favor with Bibi Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin (see this HuffPost report), rich Saudis, Christian evangelicals & various other right-wing factions; (7) and it wouldn't surprise me, tho there's no evidence of this, gaining some financial benefit we won't find out about for some time (see Cohen-pay-for-play). ...

     ... Oh, and there's this extremely mature reason:

     ... Travis Gettys of RawStory: "Trump felt contempt for the officials and experts who negotiated the Iran deal, and the White House official explained the president's motives for risking a potential Middle East crisis and setting in motion a chain of long-term consequences. '(Trump) likes it when "experts" are on CNN freaking out,' the White House official explained." --safari ...

If I allowed this deal to stand, there would soon be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Everyone would want their weapons ready by the time Iran had theirs. -- Donald Trump, in his speech yesterday

In fact, Trump has single-handedly fast-forwarded that race by removing the constraints the deal imposed on Iran. -- Roger Cohen of the New York Times ...

... Roger Cohen: "President Trump is withdrawing the United States from an Iran nuclear deal that has worked, in the name of unrelated demands that are unworkable, at very high cost to America's alliances and the value of its word, with no viable alternative policy in place and at the risk of igniting the Middle East. Only Trump can believe that makes sense. But believe it he does, with a vengeance. From Day 1, it has been the deal Trump loves to hate. He knows who authorized it: Barack Obama. Whether he knows its content is another matter.... It was not 'a horrible, one-sided deal,' as Trump grotesquely claimed on Tuesday. It was not about delivering 'peace,' as he absurdly suggested. It was not a 'rotten structure,' as he emptily claimed. It was a painful compromise where each side got less than it wanted.... America has made a mockery of the value of its signature on an international agreement. The world will take note.... Trump has done what he likes to do: express his anger, break things and hope for the best. His Iran decision is a reckless gamble, even by his standards, the shredding of a singular diplomatic achievement."

... Don Lee of the Los Angeles Times: "For American consumers, the effect of President Trump's announcement Tuesday that the U.S. would pull out of the Iran nuclear deal was already apparent at their local service stations days ago. Gas prices nationally have climbed about 11% since March, to an average of $2.85 a gallon last week, reflecting higher global petroleum costs partly in anticipation of Trump's withdrawal and move to reimpose sanctions against the world's fifth-largest oil producer.... Taken together with increasing tensions on trade, with large tariffs possibly coming against China, there is growing wariness among some investors. Analysts expect that will be reflected in commodities and financial markets." ...

... Erin Cunningham & Bijan Sabbagh of the Washington Post: "Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday that his government remains committed to a nuclear deal with world powers, despite the U.S. decision to withdraw, but is also ready to resume uranium enrichment should the accord no longer offer benefits. Rouhani, who had made the deal his signature achievement, spoke following President Trump's announcement that the United States would reimpose wide-ranging sanctions on Iran. The removal of those sanctions, including on the Iranian oil and banking sectors, had been key to persuading Iran to accept limits on its nuclear program. The Iranian leader said he had directed his diplomats to negotiate with the deal's remaining signatories -- including European countries, Russia and China -- and that the nuclear agreement could survive without the United States. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that he would 'spearhead a diplomatic effort to examine whether remaining JCPOA participants can ensure its full benefits for Iran.'" ...

... Jon Swaine of the Guardian: "Donald Trump's decision to torpedo the nuclear agreement with Iran has harmed the prospects of freedom for American dual national prisoners held by Tehran, analysts have warned. At least four Iranian-Americans and one Chinese-American are being detained by Iranian authorities on charges their supporters and relatives say are bogus or unjustified." --safari ...

... James McAuley of the Washington Post: "... key U.S. allies and others voiced concern about the fallout but vowed to salvage the deal. Chief among the critics was French President Emmanuel Macron, who was Europe's leading emissary to Washington in efforts to defend the deal and who has sought to cultivate a strong personal rapport with Trump.... An American exit threatens the entire accord. Tehran was lured to the bargaining table by the prospect of an injection of international investment to buoy its economy. A renewal of sanctions would give the country's leaders little reason to adhere to their part of the deal.... But after Trump's remarks Tuesday, the co-signatories of the agreement -- France, Britain, Germany, Russia, China, the European Union and Iran -- said they would seek to save it. 'We urge the U.S. to ensure that the structures of the JCPOA can remain intact, and to avoid taking action which obstructs its full implementation by all other parties to the deal,' Macron, [Angela] Merkel and [Theresa] May said in their statement." ...

     ... Here's the statement by Macron, Merkel & May. ...

... Reuters: "Germany wants to preserve a nuclear deal with Iran because U.S. President Donald Trump did not offer an alternative to halt the Islamic Republic from making atomic weapons after he pulled out of the agreement, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday." --safari ...

... Sabrina Siddiqui of the Guardian: "Barack Obama on Tuesday condemned Donald Trump's decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal as 'misguided' joining a throng of other outspoken Democratic critics - even as many Republicans praised the move. The former president, for whom the landmark 2015 accord was a signature foreign policy accomplishment, issued a lengthy written statement shortly after Trump announced the US would break with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) despite the urging of European allies and some of his own advisers. 'In a democracy, there will always be changes in policies and priorities from one Administration to the next. But the consistent flouting of agreements that our country is a party to risks eroding America's credibility, and puts us at odds with the world's major powers,' Obama said. Since leaving the White House, Obama has responded to only a handful of Trump's policy decisions, including his travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries, decision to pull the US from the Paris climate accord, and move to rescind protections to young, undocumented immigrants." ...

     ... President Obama's full statement is here. ...

... OR, as Heather Hurlburt of New York puts it, "Trump Continues to Rebrand America As Weird and Flaky.... The president provided all the television staples of national-security seriousness. He described the threat posed by Iran with headline-worthy hyperbole. No one thinks Iran is close to having a missile that can 'threaten American cities' (that would be North Korea). He said Israel had provided new information about Iran's nuclear intentions -- all of which dated from before the agreement was signed and implemented, but never mind. And, with a flourish, he signed a national-security directive that would, he said, institute 'the highest level of economic sanction.'... Though you would never have known it from Trump's remarks, everyone from Senate Republicans to Israeli military leaders believed that the Iran deal was working to keep Tehran's nuclear ambitions constrained -- and to keep outside powers well-informed of what went on in Iran's labs, reactors, and storage sites." Read on. ...

... John Wolfsthal in the New Republic: "Before the JCPOA came into force, Iran had close to 20,000 uranium enrichment machines, called centrifuges, in operation.... Under the JCPOA, Iran cannot have more than 5,060 centrifuges operating and cannot use more advanced models until 2025, and then would have had to slowly introduce them and explain why they were doing so. Iran was also required to let IAEA inspectors track and monitor centrifuge production and storage of parts. That all goes away after today. Iran is within its right to reject any restrictions now that the U.S. is openly violating the deal.... Now, Iran can enrich [uranium] to whatever level it wants, for any reason, and posses as much uranium gas for enrichment as they choose. This will leave Iran weeks if not days from a bomb once they restore their infrastructure.... U.S. violation of the JCPOA gives Iran more nuclear options, and us less control and insight. Iran can be expected slowly, carefully but persistently to remove the restrictions it is now under and work toward being able to produce a nuclear weapon at a time of its choosing.... Europe may try to provide Iran with incentives to go slow...."

Robert Mackey of The Intercept: "The contours of the [Black Cube] campaign ... appeared to closely match those of a similar effort carried out by operatives of an Israeli firm this year to smear critics of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the far-right populist who is an ally of both President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.... Between December and March ... at least 10 people who either run Hungarian nongovernmental organizations or have worked with or been supported by [George] Soros were approached by intelligence operatives posing as representatives of nonexistent businesses who requested meetings." --safari

This Russia Thing, Etc., Ctd. -- Follow the Money Edition

Game Changer. Sarah Fitzpatrick, et al., of NBC News: "Stormy Daniels' attorney claimed Tuesday that ... Donald Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen received $500,000 from a company controlled by a Russian oligarch, deposited into an account for a company also used to pay off the adult film actress. Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, also detailed other transactions he said were suspicious, including deposits from drug giant Novartis, the state-run Korea Aerospace Industries, and AT&T -- which confirmed it paid Cohen's company for 'insights' into Trump.... Avenatti said his investigation uncovered eight transactions between January and August 2017, totaling half a million dollars, from U.S.-based Columbus Nova, which he said is controlled by Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg and his cousin Andrew Intrater. The money was deposited into a First Republic account for Essential Consultants, Avenatti said. That's the same company Cohen created in 2016 and then used to wire $130,000 to Daniels.... Agents working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller searched and questioned Vekselberg as he got off a private plane in the New York area earlier this year." ...

... Noah Shachtman & Kate Briquelet of the Daily Beast: "The Daily Beast can confirm that ... Michael Cohen received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a company controlled by Putin-aligned Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. The allegations were initially made Tuesday by Michael Avenatti.... 'How the fuck did Avenatti find out?' the source asked The Daily Beast.... [Vekselberg's cousin Andrew] Intrater was also a donor to the Republican National Committee, where Cohen served as a deputy finance chairman. In June 2017, Intrater donated $35,000 to a joint fundraising committee for the RNC and Trump's reelection campaign. He also gave a quarter-million dollars to Trump's inaugural committee. (Previously, Intrater gave only to Democrats like Gov. Bill Richardson and Sen. Ted Kennedy.)" Mrs. McC: As Friedman & Corn note (linked next), Intrater "had previously made no large political contributions." ...

     ... A TPM reader tells Josh Marshall "how the fuck Avenatti found out." Most likely. ...

... Dan Friedman & David Corn of Mother Jones: "Avenatti's report suggests Cohen set up a company, Essential Consultants LLC, that he used to sell access to President Trump. Payments came from firms in Korea, Hungary, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Israel, Avenatti says. He claims Novartis, a Swiss pharmaceutical company, paid $399,920 to Cohen's firm in late 2017 and early 2018. After the payments, Trump met with Novartis' CEO at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The document also says Essential Consultants received $200,000 in four payments from AT&T in late 2017 and early 2018. AT&T confirmed the payments in a statement reported by CNBC.... Avenatti's report could launch a massive case of alleged influence-peddling and may be a real game-changer in the Trump-Russia scandal.... Avenatti's report claims that Vekselberg's payment to Cohen came through Intrater's company. If Avenatti is correct, this would prompt an obvious lead for special counsel Robert Mueller to follow: Did the money Intrater donated to Trump come from his cousin the oligarch? That is, did a wealthy Russian with Kremlin contacts funnel money to Trump and the Republicans?" ...

... Judd Legum of ThinkProgress: "AT&T's payment is a stunning development that is likely to create a thicket of legal problems forCohen and Trump himself.... AT&T tries to justify the payments as a legitimate consulting expense, saying that the firm provided 'insights.' But Essential Consultants is not a real company.... The shell company has no website, no known employees, and no public facing presence of any kind. It raises the question of how AT&T could have even possibly known about Essential Consultants.... The $200,000 payment to Cohen was made while AT&T was seeking approval from Trump's Justice Department to merge with Time-Warner. AT&T claims that Cohen did no lobbying or legal work for the company." --safari ...

... Kara Scannell & Shimon Prokupecz of CNN: "Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators have questioned a Russian oligarch about hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments his company's US affiliate made to ... Donald Trump's persona attorney, Michael Cohen, after the election, according to a source familiar with the matter. Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of asset manager Renova Group, is an oligarch close to Vladimir Putin, and last month the Trump administration placed him on a list of sanctioned Russians for activities including election \ interference. The purpose of the payments, which predate the sanctions, and the nature of the business relationship between Vekselberg and Cohen is unclear." ...

... The New York Times story, published after those linked above, counts up all the payments/bribes to Cohen:

... Mike McIntire, et al., of the New York Times: "A shell company that Michael D. Cohen used to pay hush money to a pornographic film actress received payments totaling more than $1 million from an American company linked to a Russian oligarch and several corporations with business before the Trump administration, according to documents and interviews. Financial records reviewed by The New York Times show that Mr. Cohen, President Trump's personal lawyer and longtime fixer, used the shell company, Essential Consultants L.L.C., for an array of business activities that went far beyond what was publicly known. Transactions totaling at least $4.4 million flowed through Essential Consultants starting shortly before Mr. Trump was elected president and continuing to this January, the records show.... References to the transactions first appeared in a document posted to Twitter on Tuesday by Michael Avenatti.... The Times's review of financial records confirmed much of what was in Mr. Avenatti's report. In addition, a review of emails and interviews shed additional light on Mr. Cohen's dealings with the company connected to Mr. Vekselberg...." ...

... Rosalind Helderman, et al., of the Washington Post: "... Michael Cohen was hired last year by the U.S.-based affiliate of a Russian business magnate who attended Trump's inauguration and was recently sanctioned by the U.S. government, the company said Tuesday. The New York investment firm Columbus Nova said it retained Cohen as a consultant 'regarding potential sources of capital and potential investments in real estate and other ventures.' Though Columbus Nova has been described in federal regulatory filings as an affiliate of the Renova Group, founded by Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg, the company said Vekselberg was not involved with hiring or paying Cohen.... Vekselberg is a Russian billionaire who regularly participates in gatherings of Russian business leaders with Putin and sometimes meets one on one with the Russian president, according to news accounts and people familiar with his role.... Two people familiar with Mueller's probe told The Post that the special counsel is investigating whether foreign money helped fund Trump's inauguration. By law, only U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents can donate to a U.S. inaugural committee." ...

... Josh Marshall: "Tonight [Tuesday] we have what I'd say may be the most staggering revelations since the tangle of 'Trump/Russia' investigations began almost two years ago. This is not hyperbole.... The payments all end in January 2018. That's when the name 'Essential Consultants LLC' was first published by The Wall Street Journal as part of the Stormy Daniels' story.... Just through this single shell company Cohen was receiving major payments from a Russian oligarch and additional moneys from various Fortune 500 companies looking for access to President Trump. On the US corporate side these are classic off-the-books pay-for-play payments to what appears to have been a slush fund.... The US corporate payments appear to be just garden variety corruption.... These payoffs won't stand legal scrutiny. But the big revelation is [Viktor] Vekselberg's money.... This is money, more or less directly from a top Russian oligarch with close ties to Vladimir Putin, putting money directly into a shell company controlled by Donald Trump's bag man and fixer. The collusion is real and high level." ...

... Jonathan Chait: "The payments gave Russia several sources of possible leverage over Cohen and Trump. First, the money itself could amount to some kind of bribe, in return for which a favor would be expected. Second, Russia had knowledge of the secret payoff, which it could always expose. Third, the possibility (at minimum) exists that Russia knew the account was being used to silence Trump's mistresses, yet another source of kompromat." Chait also addresses the Devin Nunes/DOJ standoff, described in the WashPo story linked immediately below: "The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who enjoys the full backing of his party's leadership, is willing to risk what his own government describes as the betrayal and potential loss of life of an intelligence source. And officials within this government believe the president would do the same, all in order to obstruct an investigation into the president's secretive ties to a foreign power. They are acting as though Trump is compromised by Russia, or at the very least, that he cannot be trusted to defend his own country's security against it." ...

... Robert Costa, et al., of the Washington Post: "Last Wednesday, senior FBI and national intelligence officials relayed an urgent message to the White House: Information being sought by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes could endanger a top-secret intelligence source. Top White House officials, with the assent of President Trump, agreed to back the decision to withhold the information. They were persuaded that turning over Justice Department documents could risk lives by potentially exposing the source, a U.S. citizen who has provided intelligence to the CIA and FBI, according to multiple people.... The showdown marked a rare moment of alignment between the Justice Department and Trump.... But it is unclear whether Trump was alerted to a key fact -- that information developed by the intelligence source had been provided to the Mueller investigation. The debate over the risk to the source is now at the center of a pitched battle between House Republicans and the Justice Department. Several administration officials said they fear Trump may reverse course and support Nunes's argument.... On Tuesday, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) said he had not discussed the matter with Nunes but added that he expected congressional subpoenas to be enforced."

Emma Loop of BuzzFeed: "The Senate Intelligence Committee has released a summary of a report on how to help states prevent election hacking that found Russia launched an 'unprecedented' cyber-campaign against the US in 2016. The report is the first of several about the panel's investigation into Russian interference during the last election. The six-page document, released Tuesday, says that during the last election, 'cyber actors affiliated with the Russian Government conducted an unprecedented, coordinated cyber campaign against state election infrastructure' and that 'Russian actors scanned databases for vulnerabilities, attempted intrusions, and in a small number of cases successfully penetrated a voter registration database.' The committee says this 'activity was part of a larger campaign to prepare to undermine confidence in the voting process' but notes that it 'has not seen any evidence that vote tallies were manipulated or that voter registration information was deleted or modified.'"

Leigh Ann Caldwell
of NBC News: "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is making a surprise visit to North Korea to continue preparations for what is expected to be a historic summit..., Donald Trump announced Tuesday." ...

... Yonhap (South Korea) News: "North Korea is expected to release three U.S. citizens held in the communist state on Wednesday, an official from Seoul's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said, in an apparent goodwill gesture ahead of a historic meeting between its leader Kim Jong-un and ... Donald Trump. The official said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was expected to return with the exact time of the Trump-Kim summit, along with the three U.S. captives in North Korea."

A Reminder that Melania Trump Is a Be-yotch. Katie Rogers of the New York Times: "Melania Trump's rollout this week of her 'Be Best' initiative focusing on children was intended to give the first lady an agenda all her own. Instead, it revived accusations that Mrs. Trump's ideas were really coming from somewhere else. Observers on Twitter quickly pointed out that one of the primary materials with 'Be Best' branding, a booklet on social media guidelines called 'Talking With Kids About Being Online,' had been circulated by the Federal Trade Commission during the Obama era. As the story spread, Mrs. Trump's communications director published an extraordinary statement on Tuesday that admonished the news media for reporting on the plagiarism claims.... Before the official 'Be Best' rollout on Monday, aides had been upfront to reporters when asked about the fact that Mrs. Trump's office was repackaging items ... from other programs."

Margaret Hartmann: "... on the eve of Wednesday's confirmation hearing, excerpts of what [Gina Haspel] plans to tell the Senate Intelligence Committee revealed that lawmakers have absolutely nothing to worry about. If confirmed, Haspel won't restart the horrific torture program that led to the closing of the black sites and the passage of new anti-torture legislation -- she promises! 'Having served in that tumultuous time, I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservation, that under my leadership CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogation program,' Haspel plans to say. Haspel's critics object to her refusal to declassify documents related to her 30-year career at the CIA, and according to the Washington Post, her prepared testimony is peppered with dramatic yet vague allusions to her work. Haspel will have the opportunity to share more information with senators in a closed-door hearing following her public testimony." ...

... Charlie Savage of the New York Times: "Khalid Shaikh Mohammed..., the principal architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks..., asked a military judge at Guantánamo Bay for permission to share six paragraphs of information about Ms. Haspel with the Senate Intelligence Committee. Ms. Haspel ran a black-site prison in Thailand where another high-level detainee was tortured in late 2002. But it is not known whether she was involved, directly or indirectly, in Mr. Mohammed's torture. Mr. Mohammed was held in secret C.I.A. prisons in Afghanistan and Poland. In the weeks after his capture, an Intelligence Committee report said, Mr. Mohammed was subjected to the suffocation technique called waterboarding 183 times over 15 sessions, stripped naked, doused with water, slapped, slammed into a wall, given rectal rehydrations without medical need, shackled into painful stress positions and sleep-deprived for about a week by being forced to stand with his hands chained above his head. While being subjected to that treatment, he made alarming confessions about purported terrorist plots -- like recruiting black Muslims in Montana to carry out attacks -- that he later retracted. They were apparently made up, the Senate report said."

Oliver Milman of the Guardian: Scott Pruitt's newly-confirmed deputy Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, is more dangerous to the environment than Pruitt. "Wheeler was previously a lobbyist at Faegre Baker Daniels, focusing on clients such as Murray Energy, one of the US's largest coalmining companies. He joined Robert Murray, chief executive of Murray Energy, in a series of meetings with the Trump administration to wind back regulations affecting the coal sector.... Wheeler is well known in Washington DC, having spent four years at the EPA at the start of his career before shifting to Congress to work for Senator James Inhofe.... 'Pruitt does whatever his fossil fuel overlords like; Mr Wheeler's main qualification is knowing which levers to pull to give polluters maximum benefit,' said Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat." ...

... Kyla Mandel of ThinkProgress: "The Heritage Foundation -- ... known for promoting climate science denial -- paid for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt's hotel stay while attending a conference in Colorado last year. The think tank also offered to cover his flights.... As emails between Heritage Foundation and EPA staffers show, the think tank also provided talking points for Pruitt to use in his speech.... The Heritage Foundation didn't just arrange Pruitt's accommodations in Colorado Springs; as the emails detail, the think tank also took care of booking rooms for several other EPA staffers." --safari

Nick Miroff, et al., of the Washington Post: "In the past six months, the Trump administration has moved to expel 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians living and working legally in the United States, disregarding senior U.S. diplomats who warned that mass deportations could destabilize the region and trigger a new surge of illegal immigration. The warnings were transmitted to top State Department officials last year in embassy cables now at the center of an investigation by Senate Democrats, whose findings were recently referred to the Government Accountability Office.... The cables' contents ... reveal career diplomats' strong opposition to terminating the immigrants' provisional residency, known as temporary protected status (TPS), and the possible deportation of hundreds of thousands of people to some of the poorest and most violent places in the Americas. Then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson dismissed the advice and joined other Trump officials in pressuring leaders at the Department of Homeland Security to strip the immigrants of their protections...."

Congressional/Gubernatorial Races

Jonathan Martin & Andrew Burns of the New York Times: "Republicans narrowly averted political disaster in the West Virginia Senate primary on Tuesday with the defeat of former coal executive Don Blankenship while mainstream Democrats fended off a liberal insurgent in the Ohio governor's race, bringing relief to the establishment of both parties on a day of elections in four states. But Washington Republicans were handed a stinging defeat in North Carolina, where Representative Robert Pittenger was defeated by Mark Harris, a pastor who made his name denouncing same-sex marriage."

The New York Times has live primary election results for West Virginia here. Ohio results are here, Indiana results here, and North Carolina results here. There are no state-wide races in North Carolina.

West Virginia: At 9:45 pm ET Tuesday, no winner yet declared in the GOP Senate race, but Morrisey is ahead & Blankenship is trailing both him & Jenkins. The winner will challenge incumbent Sen. Joe Manchin (D). At 10:25 pm ET NBC News has projected Patrick Morrisey as the winner of the Republican Senate primary. ...

     ... Cocaine Mitch Gets the Last Laugh. Matthew Dessem of Slate: "After Don Blankenship lost the West Virginia primary on Tuesday, the official Twitter account for Team Mitch was there to rub salt -- or some other white powder -- in his wounds.... The source image for McConnell's tweet was this key art of Brazilian actor Wagner Moura playing Pablo Escobar on Netflix's Narcos." Mrs. McC: You'll have to read/see the story to get the full impact of Mitch's tweet.

Ohio: James Renacci has been declared the winner of the GOP Senate primary. He will challenge incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown (D). Richard Cordray has been declared winner of the Democratic primary for governor. He handily beat former Rep. Dennis Kucinich & Joe Schiavoni. State AG & former U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine has been declared winner of the GOP gubernatorial primary, besting Mary Taylor.

Indiana: Mike Braun has won the GOP primary for U.S. Senate. He will face incumbent Democratish Joe Donnelly.

Jonathan Chait: "The great virtue of Mitch McConnell has always been his willingness to ... bluntly confess the game he is playing. McConnell is currently dealing with a West Virginia Republican primary in which one leading contender, Don Blankenship, is a criminal who has smeared McConnell as a cocaine smuggler and made racist attacks against his family. Asked by reporters today if he would describe Blankenship's ads as racist, McConnell admitted the answer would depend on whether Blankenship won the nomination.... 'Well, we're going to find out what happens in West Virginia tonight, and I may have more to say about that tomorrow.'... If Blankenship loses, he’s a racist. If he wins, he’s just another important voice for pro-growth blah blah blah."

Jan Ransom
of the New York Times: New York "Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo asked Tuesday night that a special prosecutor be appointed to investigate allegations that Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman assaulted four women he was romantically involved with over several years, taking the inquiry away from the Manhattan district attorney.... Hours after The New Yorker reported on Monday that they had accused Mr. Schneiderman of assault, the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., announced that his office would investigate the allegations, raising the possibility that criminal charges would accompany Mr. Schneiderman's political fall from grace. But by early Tuesday, Mr. Cuomo had raised questions about Mr. Vance's ability to be impartial.... And by nightfall, he had written a letter ordering the Nassau County district attorney, Madeline Singas, be appointed to investigate 'any and all matters' related to Mr. Schneiderman's mistreatment of his former romantic partners.... Mr. Vance fired back at the governor on Tuesday night, saying in a letter that he objected to the decision to appoint a special prosecutor." Read on for details. ...

... Kalhan Rosenblatt of NBC News: "The Manhattan District Attorney's Office confirmed on Tuesday that it is investigating outgoing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.... On Monday, Schneiderman said he would resign after The New Yorker published a 6,100-word article, in which several women claimed the he had been violent toward them.... [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo, who himself once held the role of New York state attorney general, said that the women who made the claims 'should have their day in court' and that he had asked the Manhattan district attorney to open the investigation into Schneiderman."

Annals of "Journalism," Ctd. Jeremy Barr of the Hollywood Reporter: "MSNBC is being forced to answer questions about the role that one of its employees, Saturday-morning show host Hugh Hewitt, played in brokering a meeting between embattled EPA head Scott Pruitt and lawyers representing a California Superfund site[, Politico reported (also linked here yesterday)]. The lawyers, who work for the same firm as Hewitt, Larson O'Brien, met with Pruitt in October and were successful in lobbying the EPA to put the Orange County North Basin site they represent on a list of locations targeted for 'immediate and intense' action.... When asked if MSNBC was aware of Hewitt's involvement, a spokesman said Tuesday afternoon, 'We'll get back to you.' [They didn't.]... Media watchers ... say that Hewitt's involvement amounts to a conflict of interest, particularly considering Hewitt's persistent defense of Pruitt on television. 'Um, it's not okay for a cable news contributor to ask the EPA administrator for favors like this and still be on TV talking about him. At. All,' The New York Times' Michael Barbaro wrote. 'How does @MSNBC possibly justify keeping Hugh Hewitt on the payroll given this?' Vox Media's Matthew Yglesias asked Tuesday morning."

Beyond the Beltway

Mark Hand of ThinkProgress: "In New Orleans, actors were paid to show up at city council meetings to demonstrate their support for a planned natural gas-fueled power plant. The paid actors ... held signs about the power plant project's job-creating potential at New Orleans City Council meetings. Some of the actors also gave speeches in favor of the proposed Entergy New Orleans LLC power plant during the public comment period.... [T]hey were paid $60 to wear orange shirts. Others were paid more to speak in front of the city council members. In a vote of 6-1, the New Orleans City Council in March ended up voting in favor of Entergy's proposed power plant.... The fossil fuel industry has employed such tactics for years." --safari

A Duke U. VP Walked into a Coffee Bar.... (But this is not a joke.) Mrs. McCrabbie: In case it's been a while since you had a low-level job you were good at doing, here's a reminder of how such employees can be fired on the whim of a prissy higher-up. Oh, and then somebody is lying about who's responsible for the firing.


The Commentariat -- May 8, 2018

Afternoon Update:

Mark Landler of the New York Times: "President Trump told President Emmanuel Macron of France on Tuesday morning that he plans to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, according to a person briefed on the conversation. Mr. Trump's decision unravels the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, isolating the United States among its allies and leaving it at even greater odds with its adversaries in dealing with the Iranians. The United States is preparing to reinstate all sanctions it had waived as part of the nuclear accord -- and impose additional economic penalties as well, the person said.... Mr. Trump's decision, while long anticipated and widely telegraphed, plunges America's relations with European allies into deep uncertainty.... It also raises the prospect of increased tensions with Russia and China, which also are parties to the agreement." Mrs. McC: In other words, "Trump Threatens International Security in 2018 Campaign Move to Avoid Impeachment: Announcement at 2 pm ET." It's all about Donald. Always. ...

     ... New Lede: It's All Obama's Fault: "President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and isolating the United States among its Western allies. 'This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made,' Mr. Trump said at the White House in announcing his decision. 'It didn't bring calm, it didn't bring peace, and it never will.'"


David Sanger of the New York Times: "President Trump said on Monday that he was ready to announce whether he would pull the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal, as European officials quietly indicated they had failed to convince the administration that dismantling the accord would be a huge diplomatic error. Diplomats who were familiar with the negotiations said Mr. Trump appeared inclined to scrap the deal and reimpose sanctions on Iran that were suspended in an accord reached in Vienna in July 2015." ...

     ... ** New Lede, with Steven Erlanger also on the byline: "President Trump is expected to announce on Tuesday that he is withdrawing the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, European diplomats said after concluding that they had failed to convince him that reneging on America's commitment to the pact could cast the West into new confrontation with Tehran." ...

... Michael Shear> & Ronen Bergman of the New York Times: "Now, just as President Trump appears likely to announce his decision to withdraw from the [Iran nuclear] deal, evidence has surfaced that the agreement's opponents engaged in a sophisticated effort to dig up dirt on [Benjamin] Rhodes..., a top national security aide to President Barack Obama..., and his family that continued well after the Obama administration left office. A detailed report about Mr. Rhodes, compiled by Black Cube, a private investigations firm established by former intelligence analysts from the Israeli Defense Forces, contains pictures of his apartment in Washington, telephone numbers and email addresses of members of his family, as well as unsubstantiated allegations of personal and ethical transgressions. In a separate case in 2017, the same firm was hired to gather dirt on women accusing Harvey Weinstein, the movie mogul, of multiple instances of sexual misconduct. It is unclear who hired Black Cube to prepare the report on Mr. Rhodes and a similar report on Colin Kahl, the national security adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.... The Guardian, which first published the existence of the reports on Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Kahl, said aides to Mr. Trump hired the firm, but there is no evidence ... that indicate any connection to anyone in Mr. Trump's administration." ...

Most explicit statement yet tying Trump circle and #BlackCube dirty tricks ops... @julianborger [of the Guardian]: 'our sourcing who are close to this private security firm said it was clear that, when the tasking for this went out, that the ultimate customer was the Trump team, the Trump camp.' -- Ryan Goodman, in a tweet ...

... Michelle Goldberg: "In a remotely normal America, Congress would immediately plan hearings into Black Cube.... Trita Parsi, head of the National Iranian American Council..., recently discovered, thanks to a reporter covering the Black Cube story, that he had been interviewed last year by a Black Cube operative posing as a journalist.... There are still a great many unknowns in this story, which, like so much of this administration, has a wild, dystopian implausibility.... It's grotesque that Black Cube ... target[ed] the spouses of former Obama administration officials. And if Trump's team had any role at all in using foreign spies against American citizens, it should end his presidency, even if it probably won't.... [Colin] Kahl emphasized that he has no idea who was behind the approach to his wife. But he points out that Trump officials were obsessed with him and [Ben] Rhodes; on Fox News, the former Trump aide Sebastian Gorka spoke darkly about the 'Ben Rhodes-Colin Kahl nexus.'" ...

... Ken W. suggests in today's Comments that to answer -- or further muddy -- the "great many unknowns" about the Black Cube affair, we should just ask Rudy. Seems like a plan.

This Russia Thing, Etc., Ctd.

Jonathan Lemire of the AP: "Trump has begun questioning whether [Rudy] Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, should be sidelined from television interviews, according to two people familiar with the president's thinking.... Trump also expressed annoyance that Giuliani's theatrics have breathed new life into the Daniels story and extended its lifespan. It's a concern shared by Trump allies who think Giuliani is only generating more legal and political trouble for the White House.... Trump, who has denied the affair with Daniels, was angry that Giuliani had given the impression that other women may make similar charges of infidelity.... Additionally, Trump has grown agitated in recent days by cable news replays of Giuliani's Wednesday interview with Sean Hannity, in which he first said that Trump knew about the payment but claimed it wouldn't be a campaign violation. A clearly surprised Hannity then asked, 'Because they funneled it through the law firm?' To which Giuliani responded, 'Funneled it through the law firm, and the president repaid him.' Trump snapped at both men in recent days, chiding Hannity for using the word 'funneled,' which he believes had illegal connotations, according to the people." ...

... Eliana Johnson, et al., of Politico: "The president has been griping to associates that Rudy Giuliani, his new personal attorney, has failed to shut down the Stormy Daniels hush money saga. And he has expressed frustration that Giuliani's media appearances are raising more questions than they are answering, turning the story into a days-long drama capped by the admission Sunday that the president may have made similar payments to other women.... Some aides said they expect the president to fire Giuliani if his behavior doesn't change.... In a phone interview Monday, Giuliani [told Politico.] 'If I'm not up to it, I don't know who is.... I know the Justice Department better than just about anyone.'"

CBS News: "... Rudy Giuliani ... told CBS News correspondent Paula Reid Monday afternoon that special counsel Robert Mueller's office has rejected proposals to allow Mr. Trump to answer questions from investigators in writing.... If negotiations are not successful and Mr. Trump is subpoenaed, he will fight it, Giuliani said. The case would likely end up at the Supreme Court." ...

Josh Feldman of Mediaite: "The Trump legal team is still deciding how to handle the possibility of President President Trump sitting down with Robert Mueller. Per The Wall Street Journal, the Trump legal team will make a final determination on whether to go ahead with it by next week -- May 17th.... And per the Journal, Trump's lawyers are apparently concerned about the prep process for a potential sit-down interview: 'Preparing Mr. Trump to testify would be a serious distraction to his work as president, eating into time he needs to deal with pressing global issues, Mr. Trump's lawyers contend. In an informal, four-hour practice session, Mr. Trump's lawyers were only able to walk him through two questions, given the frequent interruptions on national-security matters along with Mr. Trump's loquaciousness, one person familiar with the matter said.'"

Mallory Shelbourne of the Hill: "President Trump on Monday criticized the suggestion that he has obstructed justice in the Russia investigation, saying he is simply 'fighting back.' The Russia Witch Hunt is rapidly losing credibility. House Intelligence Committee found No Collusion, Coordination or anything else with Russia,' the president wrote on Twitter. 'So now the Probe says OK, what else is there? How about Obstruction for a made up, phony crime. There is no O, it's called Fighting Back.'... 'The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people from injustice...and just wait 'till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts of Interest!' Trump added Monday." (Also linked yesterday.)

New York Times Editors: "... let’s pause to remember what happened one year ago this week, when ... President Trump fired the F.B.I. director, James Comey. That shocking act remains the best distillation of the mind-set of this president: He considers himself answerable to no one.... He said of the firing, 'When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, 'You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story.'... The day after he dumped Mr. Comey, Mr. Trump entertained top Russian officials in the Oval Office. 'I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,' he told them. 'I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off.' The president ... admitted, twice, that he [fired Comey] to shut down an investigation into his campaign, his top associates and possibly himself.... Like aspiring authoritarians everywhere, Mr. Trump sees law enforcement in intensely personal terms. When the law investigates you, it's a witch hunt; when it's used to punish your enemies, it's an essential tool.... Americans should remember May 9, 2017, as the beginning of one of the great tests of American democracy."

Rudy Who? Josh Lederman of the AP: "The Trump administration sought to distance itself Monday from Rudy Giuliani's dramatic public statements about Iran and North Korea, saying that ... Donald Trump's new lawyer does not speak for the president on matters of foreign policy.... Giuliani has raised eyebrows for a series of startling assertions not only about his legal strategy and the special counsel investigation, but also about global affairs and Trump's policies. That spurred widespread confusion over whether the former New York mayor, now on Trump's payroll, was disclosing information he'd been told by the president, stating U.S. government policy or merely describing his own impression of events. 'He speaks for himself and not on behalf of the administration on foreign policy,' State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauertsaid Monday.... 'We got Kim Jong Un impressed enough to be releasing three prisoners today,' Giuliani told Fox News [last week].... There has been no formal announcement by the U.S. government.... Then on Saturday, Giuliani caused another stir when he spoke to a group that supports the overthrow of Iran's government and said that the president was 'committed' to regime change in Iran.... [The Trump] administration has not called for overthrowing Iran's government."

Damian Paletta & Erica Werner
of the Washington Post: "President Trump is sending a plan to Congress that calls for stripping more than $15 billion in previously approved spending, with the hope that it will temper conservative angst over ballooning budget deficits. Almost half of the proposed cuts would come from two accounts within the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that White House officials said expired last year or are not expected to be drawn upon. An additional $800 million in cuts would come from money created by the Affordable Care Act in 2010 to test innovative payment and service delivery models. Those are just a handful of the more than 30 programs the White House is proposing to Congress for 'rescission,' a process of culling back money that was previously authorized. Once the White House sends the request to Congress, lawmakers have 45 days to vote on the plan ... through a simple majority vote. If approved by Congress, the reductions would represent less than 0.4 percent of total government spending this year.... '... President Trump and Republicans in Congress are looking to tear apart the bipartisan [CHIP], hurting middle-class families and low-income children, to appease the most conservative special interests and feel better about blowing up the deficit to give the wealthiest few and biggest corporations huge tax breaks,' Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Monday." ...

... Miriam Jordan & Ron Nixon of the New York Times: "The Trump administration announced Monday that it is dramatically stepping up prosecutions of those who illegally cross the Southwest border, ramping up a 'zero tolerance' policy intended to deter new migrants with the threat of jail sentences and separating immigrant children from their parents. 'If you cross the Southwest border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. It's that simple,' Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in announcing a policy that will impose potential criminal penalties on border crossers who previously faced mainly civil deportation proceedings -- and in the process, force the separation of families crossing the border for months or longer.... The new policy strikes squarely at parents who have traveled with their children, some apparently with the expectation that they would face shorter periods of detention while their cases were heard. 'If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law,' Mr. Sessions said at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Ariz." ...

... Melania Trolls Donald & JeffBo. Katie Rogers of the New York Times: "... Melania Trump stepped into the Rose Garden and said she would focus her official effort as first lady on teaching children to put kindness first in their lives, particularly on social media.... Mrs. Trump unveiled a program called 'Be Best,' which she said would tackle opioid abuse, social media pressures and mental health issues among young people.... Mrs. Trump's program will primarily repackage projects that already exist, including an initiative by the National Safety Council to encourage people to be proactive with talking to their doctors about opioid abuse, and guidelines distributed by the Federal Trade Commission on children's social media activity.... Mrs. Trump came up with the logo and program name herself, her aides said. Observers on social media seized on the event, noting that ... Mrs. Obama ... had delivered a speech last year urging men to 'be better.' During the 2016 campaign, Mrs. Trump took flack for a speech that appeared to be sourced, in part, from remarks Mrs. Obama made in 2008."

Louis Nelson of Politico: "... Donald Trump issued an online vote of confidence Monday for Gina Haspel, his pick to be the next director of the CIA, and chided Democrats who have been critical of her for her role in waterboarding terrorism suspects at a secret agency prison. 'My highly respected nominee for CIA Director, Gina Haspel, has come under fire because she was too tough on Terrorists,' the president wrote on Twitter. 'Think of that, in these very dangerous times, we have the most qualified person, a woman, who Democrats want OUT because she is too tough on terror. Win Gina!'" (Also linked yesterday.)

One of these men is Dr. Evil. The other is a Canadian actor. Thanks to a friend for sending the pic.Eric Lipton & Lisa Friedman of the New York Times: "... a new cache of emails offer a detailed look inside the [EPA's] aggressive efforts to conceal [Administrator Scott Pruitt's] activities as a public servant. The more than 10,000 documents, made public as part of a Freedom of Information lawsuit by the Sierra Club, show that the agency's close control of Mr. Pruitt's events is driven more by a desire to avoid tough questions from the public than by concerns about security, contradicting Mr. Pruitt's longstanding defense of his secretiveness. Time and again, the files show, decisions turn on limiting advance public knowledge of Mr. Pruitt's appearances in order to control the message. The emails, many of which are communications with Mr. Pruitt's schedulers, show an agency that divides people into 'friendly and 'unfriendly' camps.... 'The security aspect is smoke and mirrors,' said Kevin Chmielewski, Mr. Pruitt's former deputy chief of staff for operations, who is one of several former E.P.A. officials who have said that they were fired or sidelined for disagreeing with Mr. Pruitt's management practices. 'He didn't want anybody to question anything,' Mr. Chmielewski said, adding that Mr. Pruitt 'just doesn't understand what it's like to be a public figure.'... Three other current and former agency officials, who asked not to be identified because they still work for the government, expressed similar views." ...

Dear Scotty: I knocked myself out drawing that little mustache on your pic. But you don't have to fly first-class on my account. There is a difference between ridicule & death threats. That was ridicule. -- Mrs. Bea McCrabbieZahra Hirji & Jason Leopold of BuzzFeed: "The Environmental Protection Agency's internal watchdog launched three investigations this year into potential threats against Scott Pruitt, the agency's administrator. All three cases were closed due to a lack of evidence that Pruitt had been seriously threatened, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. One of the threats, made in March, consisted of someone drawing a mustache on Pruitt's face on the cover of Newsweek and taping the magazine inside of an elevator at an EPA building." ...

... Coral Davenport & Maggie Haberman of the New York Times: "Senior White House staff members are encouraging President Trump to fire Scott Pruitt.... While Mr. Trump has until now championed Mr. Pruitt, the officials say the president's enthusiasm may be cooling because of the ongoing cascade of alleged ethical and legal missteps.... Since last month's confirmation of Mr. Pruitt's deputy, the former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, White House staff members say they believe that if Mr. Pruitt is fired or resigns, Mr. Wheeler will continue to effectively push through Mr. Trump's agenda to help the coal industry and roll back environmental regulations." ...

... Emily Holden & Anthony Adragna of Politico: "EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt placed a polluted California area on his personal priority list of Superfund sites targeted for 'immediate and intense' action after conservative radio and television host Hugh Hewitt brokered a meeting between him and lawyers for the water district that was seeking federal help to clean up the polluted Orange County site.... Hewitt [is] a resident of Orange County whose son James works in EPA's press office... Since then, Hewitt has been a robust defender of Pruitt, dismissing his recent controversies as 'nonsense scandals.'... Environmental advocates have worried Pruitt's efforts to identify Superfund priority sites would bypass the process set up by Congress to ensure cleanup resources are divided fairly, and that he could focus on sites seen as important to his political supporters." Mrs. McC: No kidding. Anyhow, if Sean Hannity can run the White House, I don't see why Hugh Hewitt can't run the EPA.

Tracy Jan of the Washington Post: "Fair-housing advocates planned to file a lawsuit early Tuesday against the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and HUD Secretary Ben Carson for suspending an Obama-era rule requiring communities to examine and address barriers to racial integration. The 2015 rule required more than 1,200 communities receiving billions of federal housing dollars to draft plans to desegregate their communities -- or risk losing federal funds. After nearly 50 years of inaction, the rule was seen as a belated effort by HUD to enforce the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which compelled communities to use federal dollars to end segregation in residential neighborhoods.... The lawsuit alleges Carson unlawfully suspended the 2015 rule by not providing advance public notice or opportunity for comment...."

Paul Krugman: "... conservatives hate Obamacare precisely because it works. It shows that government actually can help tens of millions of Americans lead better, more secure lives, and in so doing it threatens their low-tax, small-government ideology. But outright repeal failed, so now it's time for sabotage, which is taking place on two main fronts. One of these fronts involves the expansion of Medicaid, which probably accounted for more than half the gains in coverage under Obamacare. Now a number of Republican-controlled states are trying to make Medicaid harder to get, notably by imposing work requirements on recipients.... The other front involves trying to reduce the number of people signing up for private coverage."

Orrin Hatch Has an Unpresidented Amount of Gall. Ted Barrett of CNN: "Utah GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch said Monday it is 'ridiculous' that ailing Sen. John McCain, also a Republican, doesn't want ... Donald Trump to attend his funeral, as was reported over the weekend. 'I think that's ridiculous,' Hatch told CNN when asked about McCain's desire to keep Trump away. 'He's the President of the United States. He's a very good man. But it's up to John. I think John should have his wishes fulfilled with regard to who attends his funeral.'"

Congressional, Gubernatorial Races

There are primaries today in West Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina and Ohio. Politico reporters post a rundown of key races.

Jonathan Martin of the New York Times: "... Donald J. Trump intervened Monday in the West Virginia Republican Senate primary, pleading with voters a day before the election to oppose the former mine operator Don Blankenship, and suggesting that Mr. Blankenship's nomination would lead to a replay of the party's embarrassing loss last year in Alabama. Mr. Trump's decision to speak out on the race came after Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, whom Mr. Blankenship has targeted in a deeply personal manner, urged the president in a telephone call on Sunday to weigh in against the controversial former coal executive, according to a Republican official familiar with the conversation.... 'Don Blankenship currently running for Senate, can't win the General Election in your State...No way!' Mr. Trump wrote in a tweet. 'Remember Alabama. Vote Rep. Jenkins or A.G. Morrisey.'" (Also linked yesterday.)

Christopher Cadelago & Darren Samuelsohn of Politico: "Trump has increasingly cautioned his party against allowing the House, and even the Senate, to fall into Democratic control, voicing fears about his certain impeachment if that happens. 'We have to keep the House because if we listen to Maxine Waters, she's going around saying, "We will impeach him,"' Trump said at a recent rally in Michigan, referring to the Democratic congresswoman from California.... Trump appears to believe victory in the November midterms depends on turning the contests into a referendum on his leadership, rather than risking a district-by-district slog over conventional messaging about the Republican tax overhaul and the upbeat economy." (Also linked yesterday.) ...

... I'm Voting for the Racist. Dana Milbank: "Sooner or later, Donald Trump will be gone. Trumpism, however, is here to stay." Don Blankenship's recent surge in the West Virginia Senate polls followed his recent racist ads & comments. "... we have Blankenship, Roy Moore, Joe Arpaio and a proliferation of name-calling misfits and even felons on Republican ballots. They are monsters created by the GOP, or rather the power vacuum the GOP has become.... Trump didn't condemn such filth; he merely said Blankenship 'can't win' and cited the example of Moore -- who Trump unsuccessfully opposed in the Alabama GOP primary."

Jane Mayer & Ronan Farrow
of the New Yorker: "Eric Schneiderman, New York's attorney general, has long been a liberal Democratic champion of women's rights, and recently he has become an outspoken figure in the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment.... As his prominence as a voice against sexual misconduct has risen, so, too, has the distress of four women with whom he has had romantic relationships or encounters. They accuse Schneiderman of having subjected them to nonconsensual physical violence.... They allege that he repeatedly hit them, often after drinking, frequently in bed and never with their consent.... two of the women, Michelle Manning Barish and Tanya Selvaratnam..., say that they eventually sought medical attention after having been slapped hard across the ear and face, and also choked. Selvaratnam says that Schneiderman warned her he could have her followed and her phones tapped, and both say that he threatened to kill them if they broke up with him." Read on. Details of the allegations are sickening, frightening & documented. Schneiderman denies the allegations. Mrs. McC: I believe the women. It would be hard not to. ...

... Danny Hakim & Vivian Wang of the New York Times: "Within hours after the allegations were made public, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who like Mr. Schneiderman is a Democrat, called for him to step down.... If Mr. Schneiderman does not resign, the Democratic-controlled Assembly could vote to impeach him. A trial would then be held in the Republican-controlled Senate, which would be joined by judges from the state's highest court, the Court of Appeals. A two-thirds vote would be required to remove him." ...

     ... ** New Lede: "Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night, hours after four women accused him of physically assaulting them in an article published by The New Yorker." Emphasis added. ...

... Samantha Schmidt of the Washington Post: "It took three hours for New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to step down Monday night after he was accused by four women of physical abuse in a New Yorker article. Equally swift was the response from allies of President Trump, a longtime nemesis of the attorney general. While the president himself had not weighed in on the news as of early Tuesday morning, numerous Trump supporters from within and outside of the White House reveled in Schneiderman's resignation.... Meanwhile, critics of Trump fired back at those who were quick to condemn Schneiderman while defending a president accused by more than a dozen women of improper conduct or sexual assault."

Bill Saporito of the New York Times: "It's been sort of a revolving door for the perpetrators of the housing bust.... When it all went sideways, people like Steve 'I Take Great Offense to Anybody Who Calls Me the Foreclosure King' Mnuchin picked at the carcasses.... [Sean] Hannity joined this flock of vultures in 2012, buying distressed properties using limited liability corporations -- shell companies that are often used to hide the real ownership.... Rents went up an above-average 50 percent in five years at one of Hannity's Georgia housing complexes.... Not surprisingly, so did evictions -- although his company also renovated the properties. He's a bit of a trendsetter. Housing Secretary Ben Carson suggested tripling the rent of people getting federal subsidies, an interesting anti-poverty solution.... The Republican tax overhaul, which cuts taxes for the wealthy, will make it harder to afford a home.... Mr. Hannity may be a sideshow. But as investors like him profit off the housing collapse, millennials struggle to find homes they can afford. Once again, average Americans struggle, while guys like Mr. Hannity thrive."

NRA Chooses Former International Arms-Dealing Felon (Convictions Vacated) as New Prez. Katie Zezima of the Washington Post: "Retired Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, a central figure in the Iran-contra affair in the 1980s, has been named president of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's board of directors chose North to be the organization's president Monday morning after NRA President Pete Brownell decided not to seek a second term. 'This is the most exciting news for our members since Charlton Heston became president of our Association,' said NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre.... North will assume the presidency in the coming weeks and has retired from Fox News, where he was a commentator, effective immediately.... North was convicted in 1989 of charges including obstructing Congress, unlawfully mutilating government documents and taking an illegal gratuity. He was fined $150,000, given a three-year suspended sentence and two years' probation. A federal judge dropped the criminal charges against North in 1991." (Also linked yesterday.)

Mark Stern of Slate: "Ginni Thomas is at it again. On Saturday, the conservative activist and lobbyist -- and spouse of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas -- shared a meme on her Facebook page accusing Democrats of engaging in 'a silent coup, not just against Trump, but also against the very premises of our constitutional republic.' The meme, which came from the Citizens [sic] Mandate, featured an image of George Soros, the liberal donor often at the center of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about malign 'globalist' machinations.... In recent months, [Ginni Thomas has] escalated her rhetoric against perceived political enemies. She has alleged that President Barack Obama ' rigged' (unsuccessfully) the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton and that Robert Mueller is 'going to fabricate whatever fake scandals [are] needed to take down Trump.'"

Peggy McGlone of the Washington Post: "In a first for the Kennedy Center, the board of trustees voted to rescind the high-profile awards it has given [Bill Cosby], who was convicted on three counts of sexual assault last month. Cosby received a Kennedy Center Honor in 1998 for lifetime achievement in the performing arts. In 2009, he was the 12th recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor."

Beyond the Beltway

Gal Lotan of the Orlando Sentinel: "George Zimmerman has been charged with [misdemeanor] stalking a private investigator who contacted him about a documentary series on Trayvon Martin produced by the rapper Jay Z, court records show.... The private investigator told Seminole County deputies that he had contacted Zimmerman in September on behalf of the series' executive producer, Michael Gasparro.... Zimmerman soon called Gasparro and talked about the documentary series, which will be about 17-year-old Trayvon Martin's life and his 2012 death, for which Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder. The private investigator told deputies he did not hear from Zimmerman again until December. Gasparro called him and said Zimmerman was 'extremely agitated' and sending Gasparro threatening messages, deputies wrote in the request for a warrant. Between Dec. 16, 2017, and Christmas Day, the private investigator told deputies he got 55 phone calls, 67 text messages, 36 voicemails and 27 emails from Zimmerman, records show. When the investigator asked him to stop, Zimmerman texted 'NO!' and then 'Pursue charges,' records show."

Way Beyond

Jane Perlez & Gerry Mullany of the New York Times: "President Xi Jinping of China met with Kim Jong-un, North Korea's leader, on Tuesday, for the second time in two months, continuing a flurry of diplomacy over the North's nuclear program. The meeting in the Chinese port city of Dalian near the North Korean border, came as China tries to regain a central role in the fast-moving diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula."

News Lede

Reuters: "Emergency crews said they were poised to evacuate more people as fissures kept spreading from Hawaii's erupting Kilauea volcano, five days after it started exploding. Around 1,700 people have already been ordered to leave their homes after lava crept into neighborhoods and deadly volcanic gases belched up through cracks in the earth. The evacuation zone could now grow as fissures are spreading into new areas on the eastern side of the Big Island, Hawaii Civic Defense Administrator Talmadge Magno told a community meeting[.]"