Our Miss Brooks Raps the Teachers' Knuckles
David Brooks has "unbounded admiration" for reputed fiscal wunderkind Rep. Paul Ryan & American Enterprise Institute President Arthur Brooks. Pres. Brooks, in case you never heard of him, is the "much-cited author" of stuff, Our Miss Brooks being the much-citer. Columnist Brooks does think perhaps these admirable boys are a tad off in their hurling revulsion for all government, any government.
The Constant Weader remarks:
My admiration for both [Paul Ryan & Arthur Brooks] is unbounded.
-- David Brooks (no relation to Arthur)
There's your first mistake.
... The Democrats' lavish spending.... -- David Brooks
Who started those two crazy foreign wars? Who came up with an extravagant, unworkable prescription drug program? Who cut taxes so this stuff wasn't paid for? Uh, make that Republicans, Republicans & Republicans.
If "tragedy" is by definition self-inflicted, then you got that right. The Republican party is tragic. Unfortunately, the tragedy of the Republican party does not affect only people foolish enough to vote for Republicans. It befalls all of us.
In a complex, modern society, small government just doesn't work. Are you going to have highways stop at the Nebraska border? Oh, oh, & what about the military? Is Kansas going to pay for its own tanks & bombs?
Are you going to let senior citizens fend for themselves? Do you really want people to go on dying because they can't afford health care when simple medication or operations could save them? Are we going to stop feeding hungry children with federally-funded food stamps & school lunch programs? If that's "conservative," it's also mean, stupid & stingy.
Who cares about civil rights? Let's just let the South go on back to being the South. Fly those Stars & Bars, boys, & some of you-all darker-complexioned folks can proceed to the back of the bus. The Americans with Disabilities Act? Who needs it. Way too expensive. Not my problem. Title Nine? Give those girls a jumprope & hula hoop -- and tell 'em to shut up.
If the new conservatives have their way, it won't just be logical federal programs that are cut, but every kind of government service. Rand Paul, running in a state where drug abuse is a severe problem, wants government to get out of the drug counseling business. He thinks churches should handle it. Hallenjuh, Brother! Jesus was no junkie. Sharron Angle thinks states should not honor restraining orders from other states. Welcome to Nevada, stalkers! John McCain sure is anxious to get federal agents down there patrolling the "danged" Arizona-Mexico border, but in ConservoWorld, that will all be up to Arizona. And if Arizona doesn't do a very good job, I guess Utah will have to establish its own border patrol to run along the Arizona-Utah border. What a plan!
Fortunately, in the United States of the Second Amendment we can all arm ourselves & have shoot-em-ups with the neighbors if they get too noisy or don't mow the grass. Because, hey, who needs government monitoring that stuff? And really, let's all burn our own trash in ToxicLand.
Now, why is it you have "unbounded admiration" for Ryan & Brooks? Is it because the world they have planned for us is a nightmare of lawlessness & anarchy? Or is it because they write your columns for you? C'mon, Miss Brooks. Even you, protected from reality by the latest in rose-colored ConservoSpecs, acknowledged that
... the story Republicans are telling each other, which Ryan and Brooks have reinforced, is an oversimplified version of American history, with dangerous implications.
That's right. These guys are part of a dangerous, anti-American force to be reviled by anyone with a belief in basic societal values. Quit admiring them. And for Pete's sake, quit defending them.
Our Miss Brooks, having followed the economic advice of Rep. Ryan & the AEI, finds herself in financial straits. Fortunately, she comes up with a scheme that involves hillbillies, a minister & a song-&-dance that is just as effective as the song-&-dance routine Ryan & the AEI have been feeding America's modern-day church-going hayseeds:
Segment 2 is here; Segment 3 is here. Things do not work out well for Our Miss Brooks & the other faculty at Madison High, but, hey, who needs teachers anyway? They're just government workers.