Re: New York Times Content -- II
As always, what's going on with the Times is a matter of speculation, and I still await a definitive answer from them on links to content via Reality Chex. However, based on feedback from many readers, I am guessing what may be happening is this: the Times counts each time a non-subscriber links through Reality Chex, but after the non-subscriber has reached 20 hits for the month, the Times allows her to continue to link through. That, at least, seems to be what is happening.
Here are a few helpful hints on other Times-sanctioned ways to jumpt the paywall:
Reader Bill C. writes, "If you subscribe to NYT e-mail updates, then you can use those links for free (i.e. they do count toward the 20, but there's zero penalty for going over 20). So, if you get 'Today's Headlines' and 'Opinion Today,' you've got all the top stories already." This seems to be an excellent way to jump the paywall without raising the hackles of Mr. Sulzberger. It is, after all, his own program.
You can customize & subscribe to Times e-mail alerts. Log-in to the Times site (or register) at the link which appears at the top right of the home page (and other pages). Once you're logged in, click on your name at the top right corner of the page, where it says "Welcome: [Your Name]." This should bring up the "My Account" page. Scroll down & click on "Sign up for E-mail newsletter." This will bring up a page titled "E-mail Subscription." Scroll down to "Today's Headlines" and check off the types of stories that interest you. then click on "Subscribe." Easy, right?
I tried this several times, & each time the prompts seemed to move me through a slightly different sequence, so you may have to noodle around a little to get to that "E-mail Subscription" page. And you'll have to enter your password a number of times. I haven't received my first Times e-mail newsletter yet, so I don't know what kind of lagtime there is between the time a story goes up online and the e-mail arrives. But it may be worth a try.
Bill also writes, "Krugman has an RSS feed (feed:// that gives you free (in the same sense as above) access to all his blog posts. (Also, Krugman himself noted that his Twitter feed will do the same thing.)" Here's Krugman's post on the Twitter feed. Links to the RSS & Twitter feeds are in the right column of his blogpost page.
Thanks to everyone for your input, & especially to Bill C. I hope this helps. I'll update you if & when I have any new info. -- Constant Weader
Update: I got my first Times headlines e-mail at 7:06 am ET, & it's pretty comprehensive, so this looks like a very good way for non-subscribers to go as long as the Times continues to allow unlimited links via these e-mails.