The Ledes

Friday, October 4, 2024

CNBC: “The U.S. economy added far more jobs than expected in September, pointing to a vital employment picture as the unemployment rate edged lower, the Labor Department reported Friday. Nonfarm payrolls surged by 254,000 for the month, up from a revised 159,000 in August and better than the 150,000 Dow Jones consensus forecast. The unemployment rate fell to 4.1%, down 0.1 percentage point.”

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Thank you to everyone who has been contributing links to articles & other content in the Comments section of each day's "Conversation." If you're missing the comments, you're missing some vital links.

Public Service Announcement

Washington Post: "Americans can again order free rapid coronavirus tests by mail, the Biden administration announced Thursday. People can request four free at-home tests per household through They will begin shipping Monday. The move comes ahead of an expected winter wave of coronavirus cases. The September revival of the free testing program is in line with the Biden administration’s strategy to respond to the coronavirus as part of a broader public health campaign to protect Americans from respiratory viruses, including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), that surge every fall and winter. But free tests were not mailed during the summer wave, which wastewater surveillance data shows is now receding."

Washington Post: “Comedy news outlet the Onion — reinvigorated by new ownership over this year — is bringing back its once-popular video parodies of cable news. But this time, there’s someone with real news anchor experience in the chair. When the first episodes appear online Monday, former WAMU and MSNBC host Joshua Johnson will be the face of the resurrected 'Onion News Network.' Playing an ONN anchor character named Dwight Richmond, Johnson says he’s bringing a real anchor’s sense of clarity — and self-importance — to the job. 'If ONN is anything, it’s a news organization that is so unaware of its own ridiculousness that it has the confidence of a serial killer,' says Johnson, 44.” ~~~

     ~~~ Marie: I'll be darned if I can figured out how to watch ONN. If anybody knows, do tell. Thanks.

Washington Post: “First came the surprising discovery that Earth’s atmosphere is leaking. But for roughly 60 years, the reason remained a mystery. Since the late 1960s, satellites over the poles detected an extremely fast flow of particles escaping into space — at speeds of 20 kilometers per second. Scientists suspected that gravity and the magnetic field alone could not fully explain the stream. There had to be another source creating this leaky faucet. It turns out the mysterious force is a previously undiscovered global electric field, a recent study found. The field is only about the strength of a watch battery — but it’s enough to thrust lighter ions from our atmosphere into space. It’s also generated unlike other electric fields on Earth. This newly discovered aspect of our planet provides clues about the evolution of our atmosphere, perhaps explaining why Earth is habitable. The electric field is 'an agent of chaos,' said Glyn Collinson, a NASA rocket scientist and lead author of the study. 'It undoes gravity.... Without it, Earth would be very different.'”

The New York Times lists Emmy winners. The AP has an overview story here.

New York Times: “Hvaldimir, a beluga whale who had captured the public’s imagination since 2019 after he was spotted wearing a harness seemingly designed for a camera, was found dead on Saturday in Norway, according to a nonprofit that worked to protect the whale.... [Hvaldimir] was wearing a harness that identified it as “equipment” from St. Petersburg. There also appeared to be a camera mount. Some wondered if the whale was on a Russian reconnaissance mission. Russia has never claimed ownership of the whale. If Hvaldimir was a spy, he was an exceptionally friendly one. The whale showed signs of domestication, and was comfortable around people. He remained in busier waters than are typical for belugas....” ~~~

     ~~~ Marie: Oh, Lord, do not let Bobby Kennedy, Jr., near that carcass. ~~~

     ~~~ AP Update: “There’s no evidence that a well-known beluga whale that lived off Norway’s coast and whose harness ignited speculation it was a Russian spy was shot to death last month as claimed by animal rights groups, Norwegian police said Monday.... Police said that the Norwegian Veterinary Institute conducted a preliminary autopsy on the animal, which was become known as 'Hvaldimir,' combining the Norwegian word for whale — hval — and the first name of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'There are no findings from the autopsy that indicate that Hvaldimir has been shot,' police said in a statement.”

New York Times: Botswana's “President Mokgweetsi Masisi grinned as he lifted the diamond, a 2,492-carat stone that is the biggest diamond unearthed in more than a century and the second-largest ever found, according to the Vancouver-based mining operator Lucara, which owns the mine where it was found. This exceptional discovery could bring back the luster of the natural diamond mining industry, mining companies and experts say. The diamond was discovered in the same relatively small mine in northeastern Botswana that has produced several of the largest such stones in living memory. Such gemstones typically surface as a result of volcanic activity.... The diamond will likely sell in the range of tens of millions of dollars....”

Click on photo to enlarge.

~~~ Guardian: "On a distant reef 16,000km from Paris, surfer Gabriel Medina has given Olympic viewers one of the most memorable images of the Games yet, with an airborne celebration so well poised it looked too good to be true. The Brazilian took off a thundering wave at Teahupo’o in Tahiti on Monday, emerging from a barrelling section before soaring into the air and appearing to settle on a Pacific cloud, pointing to the sky with biblical serenity, his movements mirrored precisely by his surfboard. The shot was taken by Agence France-Presse photographer Jérôme Brouillet, who said “the conditions were perfect, the waves were taller than we expected”. He took the photo while aboard a boat nearby, capturing the surreal image with such accuracy that at first some suspected Photoshop or AI." 

Washington Post: “'Mary Cassatt at Work' is a large and mostly satisfying exhibition devoted to the career of the great American artist beloved for her sensitive and often sentimental views of family life. The 'at work' in the title of the Philadelphia Museum of Art show references the curators’ interest in Cassatt’s pioneering effort to establish herself as a professional artist within a male-dominated field. Throughout the show, which includes some 130 paintings, pastels, prints and drawings, the wall text and the art on view stresses Cassatt’s fixation on art as a career rather than a pastime.... Mary Cassatt at Work is on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art through Sept. 8.

New York Times: “Bob Newhart, who died on Thursday at the age of 94, has been such a beloved giant of popular culture for so long that it’s easy to forget how unlikely it was that he became one of the founding fathers of stand-up comedy. Before basically inventing the hit stand-up special, with the 1960 Grammy-winning album 'The Button-Down Mind of Bob Newhart' — that doesn’t even count his pay-per-view event broadcast on Canadian television that some cite as the first filmed special — he was a soft-spoken accountant who had never done a set in a nightclub. That he made a classic with so little preparation is one of the great miracles in the history of comedy.... Bob Newhart holds up. In fact, it’s hard to think of a stand-up from that era who is a better argument against the commonplace idea that comedy does not age well.”

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The Commentariat -- March 18, 2013

** Michael Luo of the New York Times: "The National Rifle Association and its allies are challenging states' efforts to take guns away from domestic violence offenders who have been served with civil protection orders.... In statehouses across the country, though, the N.R.A. and other gun-rights groups have beaten back legislation mandating the surrender of firearms in domestic violence situations.... Intimate partner homicides account for nearly half the women killed every year, according to federal statistics." Read the whole article. This is a situation where the NRA has persuaded state & federal legislators to effectively grant licenses to kill (mostly) women. ...

... Benjamin Goad of The Hill: "A growing number of states are moving forward with legislation to exempt them from new federal gun controls and, in some cases, brand as criminals anyone who tries to enforce them. While many of the bills are considered symbolic or appear doomed to fail, the legislative explosion reflects a backlash against legislative and regulatory efforts in Washington to tamp down on gun violence."

Paul Krugman: "The really striking thing, during the run-up to the [Iraq] war, was the illusion of consensus. To this day, pundits who got it wrong excuse themselves on the grounds that 'everyone' thought that there was a solid case for war. Of course, they acknowledge, there were war opponents -- but they were out of the mainstream.... What we should have learned from the Iraq debacle was that you should always be skeptical and that you should never rely on supposed authority. If you hear that 'everyone' supports a policy, whether it's a war of choice or fiscal austerity, you should ask whether 'everyone' has been defined to exclude anyone expressing a different opinion. And policy arguments should be evaluated on the merits, not by who expresses them...."

Obama 2.0. Peter Baker of the New York Times: "President Obama plans to announce Monday that he will nominate Thomas E. Perez, who heads the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, to be the next secretary of labor, a choice that promises to provoke a debate with Republicans about voting rights and discrimination."

Jonathan Weisman of the New York Times: "In Congress, Republicans are pushing an agenda that is almost identical to the one that their party lost with in November, with no regrets and few efforts to reframe it even rhetorically. The House will vote this week on the third iteration of Mr. Ryan's budget, which would again try to turn Medicare into a subsidy for private insurance purchases, slash the top income tax rate and cut deeply into programs the president campaigned to protect. On Wednesday, Senate Republicans forced a vote to eliminate financing for the president's health care law. The effort failed, 52-45, but it was at least the 54th time that one chamber or the other had voted on a proposal to repeal all or part of the law, which was enacted three years ago.... Which raises the question: What are elections for?" ...

... AND. Greg Sargent watched the Sunday shows: "The GOP position, with no exaggeration, is that the only way Republican leaders will ever agree to paying down the deficit they say is a threat to American civilization is 100 percent their way; they are not willing to concede anything at all to reach any deal involving new revenues to reduce the deficit, or to get the entitlement reform they want, or to avert sequestration they themselves said will gut the military and tank the economy But ... but ... but Obama needs to lead and prove he's Serious by offering still more entitlement cuts than he already has!"

... BUT -- Lipstick on an Elephant. AP: "The Republican National Committee will formally endorse immigration reform on Monday and outline plans for a $10 million outreach to minority groups -- gay voters among them -- as part of a multi-step roadmap designed to make the GOP more 'welcoming and inclusive' for voters who overwhelmingly supported Democrats in 2012." ...

     ... Update: the report is here. ...

... Zeke Miller of Time: "More than anything, [the report] is a rejection of the politics of 'arithmetic,' as RNC Chairman Reince Priebus will say when he announces the report's recommendations in a thinly veiled shot at Mitt Romney's 47 percent comments. 'The RNC cannot and will not ..write off any demographic, community, or region of this country.'"

... UH-OH. Alexander Burns of Politico: "An outside group aligned with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has commissioned a report that warns conservatives against adopting an all-spending cuts, all-the-time message, and suggests that leaders on the right put a heavier emphasis on less abstract issues such as education and gas prices. The poll, commissioned by the nonprofit YG Network and obtained by Politico, shows that even Americans concerned about deficits and debt are far more concerned with their own personal economic well-being."

Fire Ed DeMarco. Annie Lowrey of the New York Times: "Prominent state attorneys general are calling on President Obama to fire the acting director[ Edward J. DeMarco] of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and name a new permanent director, arguing that current policies are impeding the economic recovery. Under ... DeMarco, the F.H.F.A., which oversees the bailed-out mortgage financiers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has refused to put in place a White House proposal to reduce the principal on so-called underwater mortgages.... Led by Eric T. Schneiderman of New York and Martha Coakley of Massachusetts, the attorneys general argue that writing down the principal on underwater mortgages ... would aid the recovery. They note that write-downs were a central part of a multibillion-dollar mortgage settlement that 49 state attorneys general negotiated with five major banks a year ago."

I tend to agree with Glenn Greenwald's column, published last week, on President Obama's penchant for secrecy. ...

... BUT Driftglass's note of caution is worth heeding: "Mr. Greenwald does have the litigator's fetish for framing every sentence in the most aggressively dichotomous way possible down cold. Ordering dessert with him must be a bitch; 'Are you going to order the tiramisu or are you objectively pro-Hitler?' Because in Glennview there are always two-and-only-two acceptable positions on all issues: agreeing with Glenn 100% right down the line and worse-than-Cheney." Read all of Driftglass's post.

Charles Pierce responds to this BBC report, which I linked this past weekend & thought was a very big deal, but which received little attention here in the Good Ole U.S.A.: "There were 22,000 more Americans who died in Vietnam after Nixon sabotaged the peace talks in order to win an election."

CNN Feels Really Sorry for Rapists. David Edwards of Raw Story: "CNN broke the news on Sunday of a guilty verdict in a rape case in Steubenville, Ohio by lamenting that the 'promising' lives of the rapists had been ruined, but spent very little time focusing on how the 16-year-old victim would have to live with what was done to her":

... Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs: "CNN continued with this awful slanted reporting throughout the afternoon ... even after a storm erupted on social media, condemning their coverage. The sheer contempt they showed for their audience, and for the victim of this terrible crime, was breathtaking." ...

... Mallory Ortberg of Gawker: "It's perfectly understandable, when reporting on a rape trial, to discuss the length and severity of the sentence; it is less understandable to discuss the end of two convicted rapists' future athletic and academic careers as if it were somehow divorced from the laws of cause and effect. Their dreams and hopes were not crushed by an impersonal, inexorable legal system; Mays and Richmond raped a girl and have been sentenced accordingly.... That isn't how rape trials ought to be discussed by professional journalists." ...

... Charles Pierce monitors the Sunday shows, including CNN's poor-little-rapists marathon.

Right Wing World *

Has-Beens Bickering. Sahil Kapur of TPM: Palin & Rove take swipes at each other. AND more from David Edwards of Raw Story.

E. J. Dionne asks if conservatives "believe in American greatness.... Conservatives ... need to consider where the strong America they honor came from in the first place."

"At CPAC, the Marriage Fight is Over." Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed: "Opponents of gay rights spoke to a nearly empty room, while supporters had a standing room-only crowd:"

Joe Coscarelli's story on the son of the New York City Fire Chief -- who is apparently in line to become an FDNY firefighter -- is not the type of local story I usually link, but it's disgusting enough to read. And you know the little Nazi (perfectly apt term here) is gonna get the job.

* Where there is sometimes good news.

Reader Comments (11)

This just in: The GOP has announced its $50 million "Outreach to Schmucks" program, designed to appeal to self-described "credulous Americans."

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJack Mahoney

I rarely disagree with Paul Krugman, but I vehemently dispute his assertion that:

"Bad economic policy isn’t the moral equivalent of a war fought on false pretenses, and while the predictions of deficit scolds have been wrong time and again, there hasn’t been any development either as decisive or as shocking as the complete failure to find weapons of mass destruction"

Millions needlessly unemployed for years? Lives wasted? Poor people denied medical care and assistance? How much more wanton destruction to human lives do we need to witness before we declare that the insane Republican determination to reduce the deficit and the debt on the backs of the poor and unemployed is indeed just as morally culpable as a war based on complete falsehood?

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCalyban

@Jack Mahoney. You scooped me on that one. But quite right. The likely outcome is that the All-Powerful Schmucks of the GOP won't get it. These are, after all, the guys who are at the Supreme Court this week spending your tax dollars to fight for DOMA & refusing to compromise on taxes or closing loopholes.


March 18, 2013 | Registered CommenterMarie Burns

@Calyban. I agree. Tens of thousands of Americans have died because of our bad economic/social policy, and as you say, millions more have led needlessly difficult lives. I expect Krugman wrote what he wrote so he wouldn't be criticized for overplaying the importance of his own convictions. But in so doing, he diminished his convictions. Excess humility can dilute one's argument.


March 18, 2013 | Registered CommenterMarie Burns

Re: No; it's worse; Calyban; It's war waged against one's own country and citizens.
Re: Get in early; Mr. Mahoney; Your future is secure, by selling "Schmucks products" door to door and recruiting your own group of salespeople to pyramid on you will reap all goodness that the Schmucks Party Products promises.
The first product we are offering is the "Schmuck de-greaser"; This righteousness in a can allows it's users to say or do anything all day long and come home, wash up with "Schmuck Slime-Away" and feel like baby Jesus in fresh diapers.
The Schmucks Party Products stands tall behind you and our products. Some restrictions apply. We'll tell you...

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJJG

Wonderful to hear that the RNC is proposing to raise money to attract blahs, gays, and other personae non gratae to the ranks of the big Elephant Tent. And they think that $10 million will do the trick.


Now all they have to do is raise that money by convincing the same people who have forked over HUNDREDS of millions to make sure blahs, gays, and personae non gratae stay that way.

It makes no difference that "those people" will never vote Republican any time in the near future specifically because those huge sums have purchased gigantic "Go Away, We Fucking Hate You" signs effectively planted in the yards of their core constituency. They just lost a huge race in which their ideology and hate have been roundly condemned by a large (and growing larger) majority of Americans, including blahs, gays, and assorted personae non gratae.

In other other news, experts at teabagging Ted Cruz and Lil' Randy announce that their side is winning! Hooray!

The Modern GOP.

Land of Magic(al thinking).

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAkhilleus

Does anyone else find it the height of absurdity that the New York Fire Commissioner is arranging for his punk kid--a racist scumbag--to jump to the head of the line for those waiting to join the FDNY through a program designed to enhance DIVERSITY?

Let's all try to guess which party this douchewad votes for, and they're glad to have him, by Himmler!

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAkhilleus

JJG, Can you send me a sample case? I would think that multi-level marketing and the Republican Party would be a marriage made in heaven (as long as it doesn't run afoul of DOMA).

If only Billy Mays were still alive he could succeed Reince as RNC Chairman.

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJack Mahoney

@Marie: Loved your comment on Charlie Pierce's column. Why is it the person being exploited gets most of the blame?

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBarbarossa

I understand the new $10M outreach project of the GOP this way: There's a steaming stinky pile of poop lying in the middle of your best rug that is a stand-in for GOP policies aimed at diminishing everyone in the country except the top 1% earners. The 1% will donate money to buy many top of the line high capacity freezers. The aforementioned stinky piles of poop will be packaged into popsicle molds by some of the 99%ers who think they will be richly rewarded for their efforts by becoming 1%ers (they won't.Scott Walker comes to mind). The new repackaged poop will be placed in the freezers. The outcome will be that there will now be poopsicles to serve to the 99% but see - they won't stink as badly. Unfortunately, its still poop. As an added feature, they could be packaged in the famous Ryan dumbbell photo.

I'm actually quite encouraged by their new plan. The GOP does not have a clue nor do they want to have a clue about more vocal and rising constituencies of voters (young, people of color and women). The biggest flaw in the poopsicle plan is the GOP belief that they are so much more clever and intelligent than these influential constituencies. I sincerely hope self immolation comes sooner rather than later.

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDiane

On Krugman's "illusion of Consensus": The constantly repeated "everybody knows we have a debt crisis" drives me absolutely crazy. I think a large portion of the blame lies with our media stenographers (i.e. reporters). I believe some of it is pure laziness and also some of these "reporters" don't actually know what their responsibilities are. I think a lot of them feel they've done a good job if they write an article on a popular topic of the day and it doesn't contain too many spelling and punctuation errors. Most of them (the younger ones?) seem to have made it through their journalism classes by showing up and maintaining a warmer body temperature than the classroom in which they are sitting. You know, we can't damage their self-esteem by making them think they are less than shinning stars. (Who the hell came up with all this self-esteem crap anyway?) Anyway, you all know the steps to the dance of "the oft repeated lie." I really believe it will be incredibly hard to overcome this insidious campaign of lies by the republicans, people being such sheep and all.

March 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTommy Bones
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