The Commentariat -- October 2
Dana Milbank on Glenn Beck's fantastic view of history, which revolves around his obsession with Adolf Hitler & President Woodrow Wilson, both of whom, Beck says, explain President Obama. "Beck has created an online 'Beck University' to spread his unique views of the past and has hosted 'Founders' Fridays' on his television show, devoted to rewriting the nation's early history as that of a fundamentalist state." Here's Milbank on Beck & Hitler:
In case you were wondering, Justin Elliott of Salon has a viable theory of how Bob Woodward gains access to the high & mighty. ...
... Dan Balz of the Washington Post: "Bob Woodward's powerful new book, 'Obama's Wars,' underscores the delicacy of the relationship between [President] Obama and [General] Petraeus by highlighting the tensions that have long existed between the two ambitious and competitive men." ...
... Oh dear, the right's Woodward turns on its Bernstein. Andrew Breitbart says James "O'Keefe owes his supporters an explanation" for his plan to seduce or pretend to seduce CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau. For the backstory, see the September 30 Commentariat. ...
... Speaking of Brietbart & O'Keefe, Driftglass explains how "Chicago-style politics" works.
I believe in a country that rewards hard work and responsibility, a country where we look after one other, a country that says I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper, I'm going to give a hand up, join hands with folks and try to lift all of us up so we all have a better future, not just some - but all of us. That's what I believe.
-- Barack Obama, at Gen44
President Obama gets his groove back at the Gen44 shindig. He begins speaking about 2 min. in:
... AP: "... President Barack Obama whipped up young supporters at a rally Thursday night." He spoke before "a sold-out crowd of 3,000 at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser at DAR Constitution Hall" in Washington, D.C.
** CW: Peter Birkenhead speaks for me. "I'll quit whining when you start fighting.... When Democrats tacitly accept Republican delusions and lies, when they characterize them as mere 'differences of opinion,' or adopt them as their own, they help give body and shape -- the weight of reality -- to insidious fantasy." Read every word.
Tobin Harshaw of the New York Times has a good roundup of opinions about TARP, which has been in the news lately because of mounting evidence it may not be nearly as costly as expected. ...
... Here's a somewhat expanded version of the Simon Johnson post Harshaw links. CW: Johnson seems to me to have the best overall perspective. The "three serious mistakes" Johnson mentions seem to be at the heart of what is really wrong with TARP, as opposed to what teabaggers think is wrong with it.
Ernesto Londoño of the Washington Post: "The Taliban in recent months has developed increasingly sophisticated and nimble propaganda tactics.... U.S. officials and Afghan analysts say the Taliban has become adept at portraying the West as being on the brink of defeat, at exploiting rifts between Washington and Kabul and at disparaging the administration of President Hamid Karzai as a 'puppet' state with little reach outside the capital. The group is also attempting to assure Afghans that it has a strategy for governing the country again, presenting a platform of stamping out corruption and even protecting women's rights."
Jacob Weisberg in Slate tries to decipher what the right means by "elitism": it has "connotations of education, geography, ideology, taste, and lifestyle — such that a millionaire investment banker who works for Goldman Sachs, went to Harvard, and reads the New York Times is an elitist but a billionaire CEO who grew up in Houston, went to a state university, and contributes to Republicans, is not." Weisberg remarks that during the 2008 presidential race, John McCain,
... the son and grandson of admirals, a millionaire who couldn't remember how many houses he owned, accuse[d] his mixed-race opponent, raised by a single-mother and only a few years past paying off his student loans, of being the real elite candidate in the campaign.
Meatballs Matter. Bill Maher's "Christine O'Donnell Clip of the Week." Here O'Donnell speaks of her "faith journey":
... Daughter of Bozo. Mark Leibovich of the New York Times profiles Christine O'Donnell. ...
... Lying about the Lies. Keith Olbermann & David Corn discuss Christine O'Donnell's fantasy